Fermented Spider Eye (add to an awkward potion to get potion of weakness) Spider Eye (add to an awkward potion to get potion of poison) Advanced Potions Positive Effect Potions: Potion of Fire Resistance + Redstone Dust = Potion of Fire Resistance (8:00) Potion of Healing + Glowstone Dust...
Empty Ring Recipe Combine with anymax upgradedpotion and it gets added to the ring Potion List: speed, jump boost, strength, regeneration, fire resistance, turtle master, invisibility, slow falling, night vision, and water breathing. Amulets ...
For example, you can create a Potion of Fire Resistance by combining an Awkward Potion with Magma Creme in the Brewing Stand. After that, you can place the Potion of Fire Resistance back into the Brewing Stand and add Redstone Dust, thereby extending its duration from three minutes to eight...
Fire Staff Shoot small fireballs using fire charges Generate rings of fire and get temporary fire resistance when used with sneak Blaster Staff Shoots plasma blasts using Ender Plasma Items Venomshank Sword that gives Poison II for 10s. Can be found in Wild Dungeon, Jungle Temple, or bought...
netherite-fire-resistance: duration: 0 amplifier: 0 ambient: false show-particles: false show-icon: true idle-timeout: kick-if-idle: true tick-nearby-entities: true count-as-sleeping: false update-tab-list: false mobs-target: true spawn-invulnerable-ticks: 60 invulnerable-...
Water Bottle:Water bottle is an essential ingredient in the Weakness Potion recipe and should not be overlooked. In order to make a glass water bottle, you need to have 3 glass blocks that can be created by heating sand in a furnace. Once you have 3 glass blocks, go to the middle row...
stand, it is important that the blaze rod and cobblestones are placed in the exact pattern as the image below. In the first row, there should be 1 blaze rod in the second box. In the second row, there should be 3 cobblestones. This is the Minecraft crafting recipe for a brewing stand...
Splash potion of weakness recipe To make a splash potion of weakness, you will need a brewing stand, a water bottle, nether wart, blaze powder, gunpowder, and a fermented spider eye. Place the water bottle (up to three) into the brewing stand. ...
jump 跳跃提升, confusion 反胃, regeneration 生命再生, damage_resistance 抗性提升, fire_resistance 抗...
Gives health boost 6 for 1:00 minute Recipes to the new things: Hunger Fatal poison Resistance Nether star Halloween Pumpkin bowl Pumpkin stew Suspicious stew(pumpkin seeds) Screenshots of the gameplay Version 4! What's the new? New potion: Gravity potion Gives slow falling and jump 4 New we...