武器匠村民卖的钻石剑可以同时包含击退II和耐久III两个顶级魔咒。 火焰附加(fire aspect) 最大等级:II 适用物品:剑,重锤 效果:攻击可以使目标着火8秒钟。(4) 如果对鸡、牛、猪、绵羊、兔子使用,可以过得各种肉类的熟制品,在野外特别方便。攻击末影人也可以使目标着火,使得末影人每次收到伤害都会传送,影响输出。
/give @p minecraft:netherite_sword[minecraft:unbreakable={levels:1b},minecraft:enchantments={levels:{"sharpness":255,"smite":255,"fire_aspect":255,"knockback":255,"unbreaking":255,"mending":1,"looting":255}}] 下界合金镐(精准+时运) /give @p minecraft:netherite_pickaxe[minecraft:unbreakable={...
再也不想给剑附魔 f..之前玩1.18.2的档的时候,发现火力附加是真的不好用,容易烧着自己,烧死的怪物没抢夺加成,燃烧的伤害还不高
if(enchantments) { enchantments.addEnchantment({type:newEnchantmentType(MinecraftEnchantmentTypes.FireAspect), level:1}); }constinventory = player.getComponent('minecraft:inventory');if(inventory ===undefined|| inventory.container ===undefined) {return; } inventory.container.setItem(0, ironFireSword);...
Fire Aspect: Sets the target on fire, dealing continuous damage. Sweeping Edge: Increases sweep attack damage for crowd control. Unbreaking: Extends item durability and reduces the chance of durability loss with use. Looting: Increases loot drops from mobs, allowing for more rare and valuable drop...
·#smelts_loot:fire_aspect。 ·使掉落的战利品经过烧炼的魔咒。 ·控制魔咒可用性的标签: ·#tradeable:#non_treasure、?binding_curse、?vanishing_curse、?frost_walker和mending。 ·会出现在交易中的附魔书上的魔咒。 ·#on_traded_equipment:#non_treasure。
fire_aspectFire Aspectignites targets hit by the sword sweeping_edgeSweeping Edgeincreases damage from sweep attacks unbreakingUnbreakingreduces loss of durability mendingMendingrestores durability when collecting experience Bedrock Edition Sadly, giving items with huge enchantments in the Minecraft Bedrock editi...
Fire Aspect 火焰附加 Curse of Vanishing 消失诅咒 Three new enchantments have been introduced that ...
Fire aspect is also useful for keeping player targets from running away, as taking environmental damage will cease a player's sprint, slowing them down, but harmful against Enderman as it causes them to teleport everywhere. It can also be used to periodically wear down another player's armor....
As usually, a sword of best material available with good enchantments is recommended; however, fire aspect will be less useful in the Nether as many enemies are immune to fire damage, while looting can be especially valuable. If a trident is used, it should have loyalty, as it can ...