Sniffers are a long-extinct mob that players can bring back to life by finding Sniffer eggs and nursing them to life, and use their powerful noses to sniff out ancient plant seeds that can be grown into two different kinds of rare, decorative plants New mechanics.Archeology is fina...
Your thoughts on the game continue to shape new updates so please upvote and report any new bugs at and leave us your feedback at 您对游戏的想法将继续形成新的更新,所以请在bugs.mojang.com上投票和报告任何新的错误,并在feedback.minecraft.net上留下您的...
Lucky players will find Sniffer Eggs in at least one of the ruins. Key Java LocationsKey Bedrock Locations Savanna Island:SpawnSavanna Island:Spawn Savanna Village:196, -431Savanna Village:280, -295 Buried Treasure:41, 59, -423Small Warm Ocean Ruin:108, -133 ...
Don't forget about theSniffer! This ancient animal used to be extinct, but now with its help, it will sniff outburied seedsand can unearth unique decorative plants for you to use. Keep an eye out forSniffer Eggswhen investigating blocks ofSuspicious Sand. These eggs can sometimes be found ...
Already compatible with 1.20, then this mod is a must if you're planning a lengthy journey to bring home some Sniffer eggs. Twilight Forest Minecraft version: 1.21 | Download: The Twilight Forest Love adventuring? This mod adds a new, densely-forested dimension shrouded in perpetual twilight ...
Sniffer As of Minecraft 1.20, players have the ability to attain one large rare mob known as a Sniffer. These creatures cannot spawn naturally since they must be hatched first. Their eggs are found in ancient ruins under warm oceans after brushing off suspicious sand, which doesn’t guarantee...
11.Turtle Eggs can no longer be placed on any type of Fence, instead of just a subset of them 海龟蛋不能再放置在任何类型的栅栏上,而不是只在栅栏的子集方块上 12."cobblestone_wall" block is now split into unique instances "cobblestone_wall", "mossy_cobblestone_wall", "granite_wall", "di...
11.Turtle Eggs can no longer be placed on any type of Fence, instead of just a subset of them 海龟蛋不能再放置在任何类型的栅栏上,而不是只在栅栏的子集方块上 12."cobblestone_wall" block is now split into unique instances "cobblestone_wall", "mossy_cobblestone_wall", "granite_wall", "di...