[18:47:17] [org.jackhuang.hmcl.Launcher.main/INFO] Operating System: Windows 11 10.0.22000.493[18:47:17] [org.jackhuang.hmcl.Launcher.main/INFO] System Architecture: amd64[18:47:17] [org.jackhuang.hmcl.Launcher.main/INFO] Java Architecture: amd64[18:47:17] [org.jackhuang.hmcl.Launcher....
2] Reset Minecraft game app via AppData folder Appdata folder keeps all the files, Setting, configurations, and cache of Minecraft. You can reset the game by deleting selected items in that location. Do the following: PressWindows key + Rto invoke the Run dialog. In the Run dialog box, ...
Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0 Java Version: 1.8.0_161, Oracle Corporation Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation Memory: 38327690880 bytes (36552 MB) / 41926262784 bytes (39984 MB) up to 41943040000 bytes (40000 MB) JVM Flags: 11 total; ...
编译器:Java 1.8 或 Java 11+ 不要修改gradle 相关文件 编译 于项目根文件夹执行以下命令: ./gradlew clean build 请确保你至少安装了含有 JavaFX 8 的 Java。建议使用 Liberica Full JDK 8 或更高版本。 JVM 选项 (用于调试) 参数简介 -Dhmcl.home=<path> 覆盖HMCL 数据文件夹 -Dhmcl.self_integrity_...
Compiler: Java 1.8 or Java 11+ Do NOT modifygradlefiles Simply execute the following command in the project root directory: Make sure you have at least JavaFX 8 installed. Liberica Full JDK 8 or later is recommended. JVM Options (for debugging)...
求助!更换steve..[spoiler]游戏核心:1.16.3启动内存:4096 MB操作系统:Microsoft Windows 11 家庭中文版 x64———CPU:#0Intel(R
To clear/delete Minecraft AppData folder contents on your Windows PC, do the following: PressWindows key + Rto invoke the Run dialog. In the Run dialog box, type theenvironment variablebelow and hit Enter. %appdata% At the location, find (you may need toshow hidden files/folders) the Mi...
Java 路径:C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapathJava 版本:8.0.2210.11关闭MC 后的内存剩余:3953M / 8081M分配的内存:1024MMinecraft 文件夹:D:\BaiduNetdiskDownload\PCL 下载\PCL 1.0.8\.minecraft\Minecraft 版本文件夹名:1.14.4(1.14.4)上面是崩溃报告,请dalao指教那里出了问题 送TA...
Backup your old files and installs Install all up to date software linked earlier Open Windows 10 Bedrock, create a new blank world, and load in to it. If necessary, create a space where you would like to add the schematic. Once done, save and quit ...
發行項 2023/11/08 2 位參與者 意見反應 本文內容 Requirements Creating an Editor Project First Things First: UI Settings Editor UI Windows: Move, Minimize, Close 顯示其他 14 個 This overview is intended to introduce you to the parts of the Editor interface and the tools. The keyboard...