falldamage(高空落下伤害开关) 你是否厌倦了高空落下的伤害打断你的冒险?使用这个指令,让你自由落体,尽享高空跳跃的乐趣。 firedamage(火的伤害开关) 火焰的伤害是否让你望而生畏?开启或关闭这个指令,让你在火焰中自由穿梭,挑战火焰的试炼。 flight(飞行模式) 想翱翔天际,畅游云端之上吗?启用飞行模式,让你如鹰般...
接受的字符串是wind_burst或breeze_wind_burst,所有其他输入将使用默认的爆炸粒子 5.sound_effect: The name of the sound effect played when the explosion triggers 爆炸触发时播放的音效名称 6.negates_fall_damage: Defines whether the explosion should apply fall damage negation to Players above the point...
volumeis optional. You can hear the sound within a range from the position. The higher the value, the larger the range and the further away the sound can be heard. pitchis optional. It determines the pitch for the sound effect, the higher the value, the higher the pitch. It is usually...
Players no longer take fall damage when falling through water at high speeds (MCPE-152485) 玩家以高速坠入水中时不会再受到摔落伤害(MCPE-152485) After choosing the Main Menu option on the death screen, the player hitbox is now the correct size when returning to that world (MCPE-167045) 现在...
fall_variants: Show a variant of fall damage death instead of a regular death message, e.g. death.fell.assist.item fall_variants: 显示摔落类死亡消息(如 death.fell.assist.item) intentional_game_design: Show the intentional game design message instead of a regular death message intentional_game...
/playsound 播放一段音效 具体格式: 携带版 playsound 音效 目标 坐标 音量 音调 最小音量 音效: 1 - ambient.cave.cave [洞穴的声音] 2 - ambient.weather.rain [下雨的声音] 3 - ambient.weather.thunder [打雷的声音] 4 - damage.fallbing [掉落伤害的声音] ...
negates_fall_damage False Boolean Defines whether the explosion should apply fall damage negation to Players above the point of collision. particle_effect explosion String The name of the particle effect to use. The accepted strings are 'explosion', 'wind_burst', or 'breez...
Fixed an issue that caused the player to take fall damage after getting into a Bed while falling (MCPE-153122) 修复了玩家在降落时上床仍然会收到跌落伤害的问题 (MCPE-153122) Fixed issue where the Invert Y Axis setting was not working correctly with touch controls ...
1.0.5是携带版的一次次要更新,发布于2017年3月28日[1],加入了命令方块、命令方块矿车、新的皮肤包和新的命令,为Apple TV版加入了对Xbox Live和Realms的支持,并修复了一些漏洞。 命令方块 加入了所有种类的命令方块。 命令方块矿车 版本独有:循环型命令方块矿车。 资源
Fixed bug causing player to take fall damage after getting into a Bed while falling (MCPE-153122) 修复了玩家在降落时上床仍然会收到跌落伤害的问题(MCPE-153122)。 Fixed bug causing baby Llamas to fire llama spit from above their head (MCPE-144948) 修复了幼年骆驼从头顶吐出唾沫的问题(MCPE-144948...