ReleaseR Feb 23, 2022 249.37 KB 267 1.18.1+1 Fabric File Name improvedmobs-1.18.1-1.10.1-fabric.jar Supported Versions 1.18.1 1.18 Curse Maven Snippet Curse Maven is a repository that simplifies including packages in projects Fabric modImplementation "curse.maven:improved-mobs-fabric-552968:36587...
This is the fabric version of the mod. For the forge version see here You like mob battles? Do you want to know which mob is the strongest one? If so, you sure came across the problem that only a few mobs have the properties of get the attention of others (namely skeletons). This...
Melon Golem 1.20.4-1.12.2 is a cool modification that adds a watermelon Golem to the game is a strong mob that will attack all hostile mobs with watermelon shots. To create it, you need: vertically align 3 blocks of watermelon, and then press the center of this design, after taking ...
我的世界1.21.4-1.14 Fabric API Mod下载 2024年12月7日MOD大全0 Fabric API Mod由作者“asiekierka”所制作。作为API为其他MOD提供资源,作用类似于Forge,Fabric在很大程度上能够节约系统资源,并一次性支持多MOD,Fabric让其他MOD的更新以及编写变得更加简单,目前 … ...
A huge list of community mods for Minecraft 1.15. Here you will find and download mods for the new update of 1.15.1 version. Add tweaks or full modifications to
Mowzie’s Mobs Mod 1.20.5 – 1.19.4. Are you searching for a modification that can add magnificent mobs that are never seen before?. Luckily you have landed at the correct place because Mowzie (the developer) has produced an outstanding creation that will transform your Minecraft world into ...
Fabric Carpet extension that adds things from the Spigot plugin Essentials, or other features I think are needed for Minecraft - Super-Santa/EssentialAddons
Fabric Mods: additionaladditions: Additional Additions 5.1.0 advanced_runtime_resource_pack: Runtime Resource Pack 0.6.4 advdebug: Advancements Debug 2.3.0 adventurez: AdventureZ 1.4.17 architectury: Architectury 6.3.49 artifacts: Artifacts 7.1.1+fabric ...
First, ensure that the mod and server are running the same version as well as use the matching modloader. Fabric mods will not work on Forge server and vice versa. For other errors, we recommend checking your server console for a more specific error such as a duplicate mod, missing ...
mythicmobs防止自身掉落怎么没有用 太狡猾le mythicmobs防止自身掉落怎么没有用 求回答 求大神指导啊 求 你说的对... 12-27 0 我的世界、幻兽帕鲁、雾锁王国等游戏联机服务器搭建小白教程13 贴吧用户_... 我的世界、幻兽帕鲁、雾锁王国等游戏联机服务器搭建小白教程13 共7 张 贴吧用户_... 12-25 ...