音符盒(Note Block)是一种会在受到玩家敲击或接受红石信号后发出声音的方块。 音符盒会在远古城市的冰窖建筑中作为“门铃”生成。 脚本错误:您必须指定要调用的函数。 挖掘音符盒的合适工具是斧。 Lua错误 在Module:Breaking_table的第473行:attempt to index upvalue '
Today,Weare going to introduce the mod "Hardcore Ender Expansion".This isLovin.右边一位散发着中二蓝色魔力的少年:- -|| 我是Lovin000k。左:今天介绍的这个mod呢,是末地的一个add-onmod,它所有的文字说明都在这本名叫Ender Compendium(末导书)里面了,大家回去慢慢看,介绍完毕,洗洗睡。右:你!你!你!你...
末地(The End)是用于生成末地维度的生物群系。这一族生物群系一共由5个[仅Java版]或1个[仅基岩版]生物群系组成。 描述 末地生物群系为末地维度特有。除了各种末地结构的组成方块之外,末地石是这里唯一会生成的方块。这里自然生成的生物只有末影人、末影龙和潜影贝,生成的结构有主岛上的黑曜石柱、返回传送门...
If you are doing emf player animations resourcepacks feel free to use this eye animations in yours, you just have to acknowledge thatthese expressions were originally part of theFresh Animationseyes animations from pillagers and endermen. Follow the guidelines of the Fresh Animtions licence.I inte...
Eggs, Ender Pearls, Eyes of Ender, and Snowballs can be thrown by the "use" command (default right-clicking). Ctrl + Q drops the whole stack of items. On Mac, even though most shortcuts use the command key, Ctrl + Q is still the "drop stack" bind. Note that there is...
They went all the way up to the build limit. This was because Jeb forgot to remove the debug pillars before releasing the version publicly. They were removed in Java Edition Beta 1.9 Prerelease 4, due to eyes of ender being able to lead players to the stronghold portal room. ...
Also, player eyes (Steve, Alex, and custom Character creator skins) can now blink. 1.14.0beta Players can now only sprint on top of water instead of being able to swim. 1.18.30beta Unarmed damage has now been decreased from 2 to 1 to match Java Edition. 1.19.50...
Bright Eyes Lancer Kauane Bright Hope Crystal Melody Asalty Remix MJiggy (DJ Pon-5, pupil) Tannerita Courtballs Michelina Carmel Greenwood Medison Care Care Source Country Roads Ariab Night Freckle Curl Roll Model Magic Dash Knowit All Glitter Horseshoes Fashion de Duo Devamane Krystal Klear ...
末影之眼 subtitles.entity.ender_eye.death 末影之眼:掉落 subtitles.entity.ender_eye.launch 末影之眼:射出 末影珍珠 subtitles.entity.ender_pearl.throw 末影珍珠:飞出 末影人 subtitles.entity.enderman.ambient 末影人:低鸣 subtitles.entity.enderman.death 末影人:死亡 subtitles.entity.enderman....
Glowing creepy eyes! Refers to endermen and spiders' glowing eyes. v0.7.3 alpha & Knuckles! Refers to the Sega game Sonic & Knuckles, which could be combined with Sonic 2 and Sonic 3 to allow play of the Knuckles character in both games. When this is done, the games become Knuc...