ender_crystal=末影水晶 ender_dragon=末影龙 enderman=末影人 endermite=末影螨 ender_pearl=末影珍珠 evocation_illager=唤魔者 evocation_fang=唤魔者尖牙 eye_of_ender_signal=末影之眼 falling_block=下落的方块 fireball=火球 fireworks_rocket=焰火火箭 fishing_hook=鱼钩 fish.clownfish=海葵鱼 fox=狐狸 cod...
末影之眼(Eye of Ender)是一个用于定位和启动末地传送门的可制造物品。它可以用来放入空的末地传送门框架直到全部12个都被填充来激活末地传送门。另外通过按右键可将其扔出,可以用于帮助玩家寻找位于要塞的末地传送门框架的位置。摘自中文Minecraft Wiki:http://minecraft-zh.gamepedia.com/%E6%9C%...
我的世界(Minecraft)合成表大全 建筑装饰红石交通杂项食物工具战斗酿造材料 末影之眼 末影之眼(Eye of Ender 或 Ender Eye)是一种用于定位并激活要塞里面的末地传送门的可合成物品。 获得方式 末影之眼 烈焰粉 + 末影珍珠
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft an Eye of Ender with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. In Minecraft, an Eye of Ender is an item in your inventory that you use to find the End Portal. Let's explore how to make an Eye of Ender.
The second Eye of Ender is found in Soggy Swamp. When you reach the Destroy the Brews mission, run to the southeast part of the area and exit via the newly-formed bridge in the bottom-right; making sure to roll over the gap. Enter the cave at the end, be patient with the moving ...
minecraft:eye_of_ender 末影之眼 minecraft:speckled_melon 闪烁的西瓜 minecraft:spawn_egg 刷怪蛋 minecraft:experience_bottle 附魔之瓶 minecraft:fire_charge 火焰弹 minecraft:writable_book 书与笔 minecraft:written_book 成书 minecraft:emerald 绿宝石 ...
Arrow of Regeneration 再生之箭 Arrow of Slow Falling 缓降之箭 Arrow of Slowness 迟缓之箭 Arrow of Splashing 喷溅之箭 Arrow of Strength 力量之箭 Arrow of Swiftness 迅捷之箭 Arrow of The Turtle Master 神龟之箭 Arrow of Water Breathing 水肺之箭 Arrow of Weakness 虚弱之箭 Awkward Lingering Potion...
`/locate structure #minecraft:eye_of_ender_located` 定位末地传送门 `/defaultgamemode <游戏模式>` 设置默认游戏模式 ``/clear` `@a` `minecraft:tnt`` 清除所有玩家背包里的tnt `/kill @e[type=minecraft:item]` 清除掉落物 `/kill @e[type=!minecraft:player]` 杀死除玩家外的所有实体 ...
末影箱 Ender Chest 黑曜石和末影之眼 Obsidian & Eye of Ender 用于储存. 所有末影箱共享一个物品栏. 信标 Beacon 玻璃,黑曜石和下界之心 Glass & Obsidian & Nether Star 用于放置在钻石块,金块,绿宝石块或铁块(或这四种方块的任意组合) 结构的金字塔顶端,可以向天空直射光束的功能型方块. 铁跕 Anvil ...
At this point, we have added 11 of the Eyes of Ender. Be careful not to add the 12th Eye of Ender while you are standing in the center of the portal. Doing so will activate the portal and you will fall into the portal sending you to the End dimension!