The Extra Golems mod adds a massive amount of new golems to protect your villages. If you’ve ever wanted to expand the range and types of these gentle protectors then this mod will do just that. Plus now you have a way to summon them into the world for you rather than them being li...
我的世界1.17.1-1.7.10更多傀儡 Extra Golems Mod下载 2022年7月4日 MOD大全 0 更多傀儡 Extra Golems Mod增加了40多种不同的傀儡,从木头、玻璃到钻石,再到地狱砖块,每种材料都可以用来作傀儡,每种傀儡都有其独特的属性,如果你厌倦了单一的铁傀儡,那就赶快试试更多傀儡模组吧! 首先使用一根羽毛、一块...
我的世界1.17.1-1.7.10更多傀儡 Extra Golems Mod下载 2022年7月4日MOD大全0 更多傀儡 Extra Golems Mod增加了40多种不同的傀儡,从木头、玻璃到钻石,再到地狱砖块,每种材料都可以用来作傀儡,每种傀儡都有其独特的属性,如果你厌倦了单一的铁傀儡,那就赶快试试更多傀儡模组吧! 首先使用一根羽毛、一块红石、一...
Mod for spawning ores in minecraft Java3414 StellarSkyStellarSkyPublic Stellar Sky, Real Constellations in Minecraft! Java2713 CommunityModCommunityModPublic A mod made together by the community! Java2223 Extra-GolemsExtra-GolemsPublic Forge mod that adds dozens of golems to Minecraft ...
MrCrayfish的枪MrCrayfish's Gun Mod 更多傀儡Extra Golems 抓钩Grappling Hook Mod 滑翔伞 (Paragliders) 沉浸式盔甲Immersive Armors 地下城装备Dungeons Gear 结构生成类[S] Towns and Towers 失落废墟 (Additional Structures/Rex's Additional Structures) ...
2.Wooden Golems(1.14.4) WiththeWooden Golemsmod, you can make your own golems to attack monsters that get in your way. These wooden sidekicks come armed with either a sword or a bow. Simply put the weapon of your choice in the weapon slot, then switch weapons by right-clicking them. ...
更多傀儡 Extra Golems Mod增加了40多种不同的傀儡,从木头、玻璃到钻石,再到地狱砖块,每种材料都可以用来作傀儡,每种傀儡都有其独特的属性,如果你厌倦了单一的铁傀儡,那就赶快试试更多傀儡模组吧! 首先使用一根羽毛、一块红石、一… 阅读更多 »
我的世界1.17.1-1.7.10更多傀儡 Extra Golems Mod下载 2022年7月4日 MOD大全 0 更多傀儡 Extra Golems Mod增加了40多种不同的傀儡,从木头、玻璃到钻石,再到地狱砖块,每种材料都可以用来作傀儡,每种傀儡都有其独特的属性,如果你厌倦了单一的铁傀儡,那就赶快试试更多傀儡模组吧! 首先使用一根羽毛、一块...
UCHIJAAAAgolems{1.15} [Extra Golems] (更多傀儡(Extra-Golems)-1.7.10-1.15b.jar) UCHIJAAAAmorewandsmod{1.0} [More Wands Mod] (更多法杖-1.7.10.jar) UCHIJAAAABaubles{} [Baubles] (饰品栏(植物魔法前置)(Baubles)-1.7.10- UCHIJAAAABotania{r1.8-249} [Botania] (植物魔法(...
For recipes use JEI or go to images for the recipes of the blends and other unique recipesCross-compatibility with Extra Golems mod Dev's notes: I understand that the radiation effect texture(and possibly others) might not be good because I am no artist. So if you'd like to make your...