• Autocrafts a recipe when it receives a redstone pulse.• Dispenses the result into any adjacent container.• Stays true to the vanilla experience.• Also works like a normal crafting table with persistent inventory. Curios API (Forge) Curios is a flexible and expandable accessory/equ...
Extend the Signal.Redstone repeaters can extend the redstone signal range of redstone dust wires by an extra 15 blocks. This means that if you put down 15 redstone dust blocks and place a redstone repeater at the end of the line, you can power another 15 redstone dust blocks. This op...
This is a bit of a strange one: the observer 'observes' the space in front of it and when something changes then it will send out a short (full strength) redstone pulse. It may seem a bit useless at first, but later on in this tutorial you'll soon discover that this block can be...