然后我来解释一下 /execute就是执行 差不多的意思 然后前面的 /execute ~ ~ ~是指从哪里开始 detect是指发现 ~ ~ ~后面的是到哪里 后面的 -1 是指如果人下面也有这个方块也会执行 不然要卡墙才会触发 来自Android客户端10楼2017-10-30 18:12 回复 冰火...
CommandBlock,Command:setblock ~-7 ~1 ~1 minecraft:chain_command_block 2 replace {auto:1b,Command:"execute @e[type=SpectralArrow,tag=inGround] ~ ~ ~ summon LightningBolt "}},{id:MinecartCommandBlock,Command:setblock ~-7 ~1 ~ minecraft:chain_command_block 1 replace {auto:1b,Command:"...
除以上之外,Minecraft此次还有个不起眼的,但非常重要的变化。就是对MCPE-177195 bug的修复,Execute command now fails when comparing unloaded blocks. 意思就是“命令现在会在未加载的区块中会执行失败。” 例如说/execute if blocks 10000 0 0 10000 0 0 10000 0 0 all,现在会执行失败。这意味着玩家使用像(...
We're working on a new, extended version of Minecraft's/executecommand. Starting with version 1.19.70, we're introducing the next step for the/executecommand, which moves the command in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition towards parity with Java edition. This move also adds new functionality for creato...
BE:anchored <eyes|feet> <chainedCommand: ExecuteChainedOption_0> 参数 JE:<anchor>:entity_anchor BE:eyes|feet 需要设置的基准点位置。 必须为eyes或feet。eyes为眼部,feet为脚部。效果 将局部坐标的执行基准点设为眼睛或脚,并改变facing子命令所指向的位置。 参数不正确时,视为语法错误。示例...
delayTicks: number Number of ticks to delay before running the specified callback. callback: () => void Callback function to execute.Notes:This function can't be called in read-only mode. This function can throw errors.runAtTickTimerunAtTickTime(tick: number, callback: () => void): void...
To anchor the local coordinate origin to either the eyes or the feet of the entity running the command and then run a second /execute command: /execute anchored <eyes¦feet> <secondExecuteCommand> To run a second /execute command on behalf of an entity: ...
Fixed an issue where night could not be skipped if one or more players were on the death ...
Expanded the '/locate' command into locate structure and locate biome 扩展了 '/locate' 命令的功能...
Fixed minecraft:repeating_command_block to not execute when changing to needs redstone from automatic 修复了当重复命令方块从自动模式切换到需要红石信号模式会错误执行命令 The "item_display_transforms" field in block geometries no longer requires the "Upcoming Creator Features" toggle ...