DisabledWorlds:# 禁用插件的世界列表List: []# 在禁用的世界中,是否禁用世界的监听器DisableListeners:true# 在禁用的世界中,是否禁用所有的领地指令DisableCommands:true# 在领地被标识的时间时,显示的间隔延迟# 建议设置为 10 秒,这有助于降低系统检测ItemPickUpDelay: 10 AutomaticResidenceCreation:# 如果设置为t...
以下为Essentials插件所有指令以及权限节点 使用Ctrl+F可以快速查找 使用Ctrl+D可以收藏本页方便下次使用哦! 权限使用方法(以最常见的GroupManager插件为例): /manuaddp 玩家id 具体权限 #给玩家权限 /mangaddp 组名 具体权限 #给某个组权限 经济指令 常用指令 管理与制裁 [title]主城与设置 传送 XMPP 权限节点部分...
Essentials - Minecraft server command mod - Adds over 100 commands for use in-game to help manage a server - essentials/Essentials
[21:07:21 INFO]: Essentials: All commands for Essentials [21:07:21 INFO]:EssentialsSpawn: All commands forEssentialsSpawn [21:07:21 INFO]:GroupManager: All commands forGroupManager [21:07:21 INFO]:MultiWorld: All commands forMultiWorld [21:07:21 INFO]: /achievement: Gives the specified ...
Here is a list of the main plugins found on the majority of multi-player servers: Essentials: Essentials will add all the most useful commands to your server. For example, you can create checkpoints with /sethome and come back to this place with /home. ...
Vanilla Minecraft Commands ListCommandDescriptionExample /help shows a full list of commands available on the server, or gives you information about a specific command. /help weather /give [amount] gives a player any item in the game, leave the [amount] field blank to give a full stack of ...
Moderatortogglejailessentials.jail.allow.Allows essentials commands to be used while jailed (requires regular perm). Moderatortogglejailessentials.jail.exemptPrevents a specified group or player from being jailed Moderatortogglejailessentials.togglejailAllow access to the /togglejail command. Moderatortoggle...
- essentials.msg - essentials.pay - essentials.protect - essentials.rules - essentials.sethome - essentials.spawn - essentials.tpa - essentials.tpaccept - essentials.tpahere - essentials.tpdeny - essentials.worth - mobbounty.collect - mobbounty.commands.mb - mobbounty.multipliers.* admin: - '...
Adds many essential utility commands for servers: See the docs here https://go.ftb.team/docs-essentials Misc commands: /kickme - Kicks yourself from server (in case the bed bug ever returns) /trashcan - Opens an inventory where items get deleted when placed in and closed /leaderboard - ...
floating island, with just grass, a single tree, and a chest with a few essentials to start your life with. Use the tree’s saplings to farm more wood, expand your island with it, use Minecraft’s spawning mechanics to harvest food from animals, and start to make your way to other ...