1.同时按住 + 打开设置 2.选择“时间和语言” 3.选择“区域” 4.点击“中国“选择条. 5.向上滑动鼠标滚轮直到看到”美国“选项结束 6.单击”美国“选项 7.选项条为美国时 8.按 在弹出菜单中找到”Minecraft Preview“ 9. 单击启动 10.如果以后软件变成英文那么,重复1~7步骤将”美国“改为”中国“即可(如...
Many Minecraft users complain that the error code 0x803f8001 appears when starting Minecraft Launcher. Even after restarting the PC, it still doesn’t work. If you are looking for solutions, you come to the right place. Here are a set of valid methods for solving it. Try these fixes Here...
微软平台都是一群什么**做的 体验度实在太差了! 送TA礼物 1楼2020-12-20 23:07回复 昵称吗不存在的 活跃吧友 4 这个。。。拿得看他配置要求。他要你下载最新版win10,挺麻烦的,我装了一晚上 来自Android客户端2楼2021-01-03 22:57 回复 Kainy. 初级粉丝 1 更改为台湾时区 4楼2023-09-24 ...
Minecraft Dungeons Minecraft Launcher 不可用如果需要,可以使用以下错误代码: 0x803F8001? 我的世界 85% 知友推荐 · 4.6 万人评价 沙盒/ 2011-11-18 发布 / PC ⋅ Xbox360 ⋅ XboxOne ⋅ PS3 ⋅ PS4 ⋅ PS Vita / Mojang Studio、Microsoft/网易游戏 关注者8 被浏览6,069 关注问题...
如果需要,可以使用以下错误代码: 0x803F8001 这个这么解决啊 分享回复赞 我的世界吧 大臭臭伯爵 救救我吧 这1.18.2java版打不开报错怎么办[14:06:09.601] [Start] 程序版本:Release 2.2.11(250) [14:06:09.601] [Start] 识别码:79FD-5825-674C-E234 [14:06:09.601] [Start] 程序路径:D:\PCL2\pcl...
net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos同上。Lithium的实现中还有很多上述优化,不再一一列举。作者对此的表述是: ...makes avery smallimprovement to the generated machine code, but it seems worthwhile enough given how simple the implementation is...
Windows 11 Minecraft错误0x803f8001的解决办法:以下是重置 Microsoft Store 缓存以修复错误 0x803f8001 Minecraft Launcher 目前在 Windows 11 上不可用且无法正常工作的问题的步骤: 1. 同时按下Windows + R 键启动运行对话框。 2. 键入wsreset.exe并单击确定以重置 Microsoft Store 缓存。
Getting the Minecraft Launcher error 0x803f8001 when you try to open the launcher or install it? Don’t worry. You’re not alone. Many users have complained of receiving this error either when they try to open the Minecraft launcher or when they try to install it. This erro...
✅ 0x803f8001 Microsoft doesn't think I own Minecraft anymore:I keep getting error code: 0x803f8001When I open the Minecraft launcher on my PC it says I need to check my subscription page to access the game. When...
It also shows an error code 0x803F8001. Is there anything that could be done to fix this? Understand instantly Method 1. Run Microsoft Store Apps troubleshooter Method 2. Update Windows Method 3. Reset Minecraft app options Method 4. Reinstall Minecraft Method 5. Reset Microsoft Store...