终末之诗(End Poem)是在玩家首次进入返回传送门时出现的文本消息。 在一定条件下(通常是在击杀末影龙后,返回传送门会被激活,以供玩家离开末地回到主世界,详见§技术性细节),当玩家跳入末地中的末地传送门方块时,终末之诗会立即呈现,鸣谢名单紧随其后,此时玩家可
Menu Splashes are Technoblade quotes Menu Panorama is Technoblade's Cabin (for 1.21) and The Potato Dome (for 1.8) End Crystals are the Material Lucky Blocks from Minecraft Ultimate and FOV If you name a Cat "Pumpkin" or a Wolf "Floof" they will look like Techno's pets Added textures fo...
Updated the credits list Added in-game buttons for reporting bugs or giving feedback Improvements to invisibility to allow it to correctly work in many cases where it didn't but you'd expect it to Added grindstone functionality Added 'Hero of the Village' effect Added lea...
There is a chance for "Technoblade Never Dies" by Amosdoll Music to play in the main menu Menu Splashes are Technoblade quotes Menu Panorama is Technoblade's Cabin (for 1.21) and The Potato Dome (for 1.8) End Crystals are the Material Lucky Blocks fromMinecraft UltimateandFOV If you name a...
# double quotes to make sure that they get re-expanded; and # * put everything else in single quotes, so that it's not re-expanded. # Add default JVM options here. You can also use JAVA_OPTS and GRADLE_OPTS to pass JVM options to this script. DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS='"-Xmx64m" "-Xms...
.q add player quote - adds quote to player's quotes. .wiki query - searches wikipedia for query. !wiki query - searches the MinecraftOnline wiki for query. .u query - searches urbandictionary (http://urbandictionary.com) for query. .wa query - executes query through Wolfram Alpha (http...
# shell script including quotes and variable substitutions, so put them in # double quotes to make sure that they get re-expanded; and # * put everything else in single quotes, so that it's not re-expanded. set -- \ "-Dorg.gradle.appname=$APP_BASE_NAME" \ -classpath "$CLASS...
To get rid of bats, simply open your chat window and type in the following command: “/kill @e[type=Bat]” without the quotes. Once typed in, press enter on your keyboard and the cheat will be activated. All the bats should now vanish from the area that you are in. Method #4 ...
Command parser now accepts as string quotes. Inside -quoted string is handled as normal character and requires no escaping (and vice-versa) - so now it's easier to input text components in NBT New Light engine! command - evaluates loot commands items in various contexts Block drops are now...