Enchantments (sometimes shortened to "enchants") are special bonuses or assets that can be applied to armor, tools or weapons through the use of an enchantment table, or an anvil if you have enchanted books. Enchanted books can be acquired via trading, fishing, finding them in generated ...
I bring you Dragon Enchants! A completely new set of vanilla-friendly enchantments for you to use to your heart's content! There are a vast array of new enchantments for the different tools and armor that you will encounter throughout your adventure, ranging from helmet enchantments to axe en...
Ma Enchants (1.20.5 - 1.19.4) Mod for Minecraft is a wonderful creation which adds few kind of enchantments in the game with levels.
enchants: DIG_SPEED 1,ARROW_DAMAGE 1 # 可选 # 药水,注意!该项只适用药水 # 语法: 效果名称 秒数 等级-1 potion: JUMP 45 5 # 1.16+版本,你可以自定义药剂瓶颜色 # 具体请查阅: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Potion#Item_data potion-color: '' # 你可以在下方配置玩家购买该级物品时,服务器/...
UCHIJAMoreEnchants{1.3.0} [MoreEnchants] (【大炜汉化】[更多附魔]MoreEnchants-MC1.7-1.3.1.jar) UCHIJAwitchery{0.24.1} [Witchery] (【巫术】witchery-1.7.10-0.24.1 (1).jar) UCHIJAadventurebackpack{1.7.10-0.8b} [Adventure Backpack] (【探险者背包】.jar) UCHIJABambooMod{Minecraft@MC_VERSION@ ...
But Green isn't done just yet. He takes out a trident and enchants it, then builds a note block guitar. He then plays Beethoven's 5th symphony opening, and the others follow. As they continue playing, Green takes out his enchanted trident and strikes his guitar with lightning, turning th...
.cbook – Used for book duping in 1.8 – 1.14.x .damage – Harms yourself in survival .drop – drops everything in the inventory to the floor .enchant – enchants held item to the highest level .experimental load – loads experimental mods (warning, they are experimental for a reason!) ...
Random Enchants is a collection of enchantments and curses that I felt would be useful additions to the base game. Suggest any new ones Recommended to use with Enchanting Plus or another mod that allows for selecting enchants as the list is large and will crowd out the vanilla ones. ...
“锋利”,“0“代表“保护”,但是凭借着mojang越改越繁琐,越改越逼死新手玩 47064 minecraft吧 QG_过去de思念 Minecraft手机版怎么直接给予附魔物品啊指令都输入对了:/give @s bow 4 380 {ench:[{id:22,lvl:1},{id:20,lvl:5}]}但发出去后给我的提示是:line 1,column 2 missing'}' or object member...
for (RegistryKey<Enchantment> enchantKey : enchants.get()) { RegistryEntry<Enchantment> enchantEntry = enchantmentRegistry.entryOf(enchantKey); item.addEnchantment(enchantEntry, level.get()); } item.set(DataComponentTypes.CUSTOM_NAME, Text.literal(nom.get()).formatted(Formatting.valueOf(nomcolor....