In Minecraft, you can enchant items such as armor, weapons, and tools. Each enchantment has a name and ID value assigned to it. You can use these enchantment values in the /enchant command. Here is an interactive list of all enchantments for Minecraft Ja
publicabstractclassEnchantment{publicstaticfinalEnchantment[]enchantmentsList=newEnchantment[256];/** The...
However, these enchantments are updated to be mutually exclusive from each other which prevents players from making overpowered armor by enchanting all of these damage reduction enchantments into their armor pieces. Thus, only one of these enchantments can be placed into armor pieces. Protection IV i...
Helmet with respirationalso decreases the chance of drowning damage in Java edition. How to Apply Enchantments to Armor, Weapons, or Tools Now that you have gone through our Minecraft enchantments list, let’s see how you can apply them to items. There are two ways – using enchanted books ...
基岩版逐渐Java化! 发布时间: 2022年4月19 日 Minecraft现在有一个新的更新,其中包含一系列新的改进: ●更新的创造新世界体验将从今天开始逐步向玩家推出 ●现在可以使用64位种子创建世界 ●许多改进以改善伤害和饥饿计算 ●新的实验性功能可以尝试,例如幽暗地带和潜声守卫...
Information icon.svg 此特性为Java版独有。在13w36a快照之后,NBT标签(亦称数据标签)可以在/give和/...
getEnchantments(tile.getPurifyItem()).entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().isCurse()) { return true; } } // Check bad enchant registry for(ConfigurableEnchantment enchant : DamageableItemRepairAction.BAD_ENCHANTS) { if (tile.getPurifyItem().getItem() != VengeancePickaxe.getInstance() || ...
minecraft:enchantments和minecraft:stored_enchantments可被定义为内嵌的 id 到等级的映射(例如enchantments={sharpness:1}) These are only an alternative for defining the values, they will always be stored in their full formats 以上仅提供定义组件值时的替代方法,实际存储时依然会以完整格式存储 ...
Weapon enchantments include Sharpness I, Knockback I, Power I and Punch I 武器附魔包括锋利 I, 击退 I, 力量 I 以及冲击 I Mobs that wear equipment no longer have a chance to drop their equipment on death 穿着装备的生物现在有机会在被击败之后掉落装备 ...
Enchantments Minecraft Enchantment List Sword Enchantment List Bow Enchantment List Helmet/Cap Enchantment List Chestplate Enchantment List Leggings Enchantment List Boots Enchantment List Compass Enchantment List Fishing Rod Enchantment List Axe Enchantment List ...