Enchantment Table(minecraft:enchanting_table) 117 Brewing Stand(minecraft:brewing_stand) 118 Cauldron(minecraft:cauldron) 119 End Portal(minecraft:end_portal) 120 End Portal Frame(minecraft:end_portal_frame) 121 End Stone(minecraft:end_stone) 122 Dragon Egg(minecraft:dragon_egg) 123 Redstone Lamp ...
In Minecraft Pocket Edition (PE), you can enchant items such as armor, weapons, and tools. Each enchantment has a name and ID value assigned to it. You can use these enchantment values in the /enchant command. Here is an interactive list of all enchantme
In Minecraft Education Edition, you can enchant items such as armor, weapons, and tools. Each enchantment has a name and ID value assigned to it. You can use these enchantment values in the /enchant command. Here is an interactive list of all enchantment
Best Minecraft Enchantments List Unbreaking Unbreaking is thebest Minecraft enchantment, and it should be on every single item you enchant. When an item is enchanted with Unbreaking, it has a chance to avoid losing durability every time you use it. This greatly increases the lifespan of any ite...
(minecraft:nether_wart) 116 Enchantment Table(minecraft:enchanting_table) 117 Brewing Stand(minecraft:brewing_stand) 118 Cauldron(minecraft:cauldron) 119 End Portal(minecraft:end_portal) 120 End Portal Frame(minecraft:end_portal_frame) 121 End Stone(minecraft:end_stone) 122 Dragon Egg(minecraft:...
To help you understand easily, we have created tables of all Minecraft enchantments separated into different categories. You can use the tables below to learn what each enchantment does and their maximum levels. However, if you don’t want to read about each of them, use our list ofbest Min...
Minecraft data values. List of data values for block, item, entity, biome and enchantment id’s. Find the dec or hex codes you are looking for here.
别名: eenchant,enchantment,eenchantment enderchest 介绍: 查看玩家的末影箱。 不输入则为自己。 用法: /< command > [玩家] 别名: echest,eechest,eenderchest,endersee,eendersee,ec,eec essentials 介绍: 重载Essentials插件。 用法: /< command > ...
"enchantment": "minecraft:silk_touch", "levels": { "min": 1 } } ] } } } 常规 背景图 ·现在命令方块、结构方块、拼图方块、告示牌和悬挂式告示牌背景不再与暂停界面共用纹理,也不再模糊化。 ·优化了背景模糊,使其更高效。 数据包 ·将数据包版本号更改为35。
enchantment- id of enchantment chances- list of probabilities for enchantment level, indexed from 0 WEATHER_CHECK No surprise here. Parameters raining- optional boolean thundering- optional boolean NEW ENTRIES ALTERNATIVES Tests conditions of child entries and executes first that can run. Has no weight...