⑤The "max_weight_limit" field defines the maximum allowed sum of the weight of the items in all slots of the dynamic container “max_weight_limit”字段定义了动态容器中所有槽中物品的最大允许数量之和 Items that stack to 64 weigh 1 each, those that stack to 16 weigh 4 each and unstackabl...
· horizontal_speed:(单位为“格/秒”)实体移动的水平速度分量的极值,需要 min和 max。 · vertical_speed:(单位为“格/秒”)实体移动的垂直速度分量的极值,需要 min和 max。 · fall_distance:(单位为“格/秒”)实体摔落距离的极值,需要 min和 max。 ·加入了periodic_tick周期刻子谓词,是一个正整数。 ...
MC-269932- Item disappears when trying to trade using items with lower max stack count MC-269932- 尝试用最大堆叠数量较低的物品交易时,物品会消失 MC-270003- Ominous banners are not "pick block"-ed properly MC-270003- 灾厄旗帜无法被选取方块键选取 MC-270049- Enchanting table buttons and level ...
You'll also notice that the max level of many enchantments has been increased, and the Enchanting Table has a brand new GUI. When you enchant, there are now a number of factors to consider, instead of just the level. Eterna represents how strong your enchantment is, increasing the level ...
minecraft:enchanting_table minecraft:end_brick_stairs minecraft:end_bricks minecraft:end_gateway minecraft:end_portal minecraft:end_portal_frame minecraft:end_rod minecraft:end_stone minecraft:end_stone_brick_double_slab minecraft:end_stone_brick_slab minecraft:end_stone_brick_wall minecraft:ender_chest ...
adds random value using uniform distribution from 0 tobonusMultiplier * level ore_drops no parameters applies formulacount * (max(0, random(0..1) - 1) + 1) COPY_NAME Copies display name from block entity to item (see enchanting table behaviour) ...
Common Enchantment, accessible in the Enchanting Table and on Enchanted Books in loot 常见魔咒,可...
Fear not, fellow Minecraftian, for Dave is here to educate you on all things Enchantment. Today, we’ll be going over the history of the Enchanting Table’s language, some trivia, and even a little bit of a cheaty way to read it yourself! If you stick around until the end, I may...
查找方法:先在.minecraft\assets\index\1.18.json中查找minecraft/lang/zh_cn.json,然后根据hash在.minecraft\assets\objects里面找对应的文件。 比如这里是9fabbc798786c7b7364902b31bdb37c2c037e9b8,那么它就在9f文件夹中。找到后用文本编辑器打开,里面都是unicode编码,直接copy到浏览器F12控制台就能看到,这里转换了...
116 enchanting_table -178 end_brick_stairs 206 end_bricks 755 end_crystal 209 end_gateway 119 end_portal 120 end_portal_frame 208 end_rod 121 end_stone 130 ender_chest 513 ender_dragon_spawn_egg 438 ender_eye 426 ender_pearl 447 enderman_spawn_egg 465 endermite_spawn...