You will find the IDs in the table above as well as the maximum level of enchantment you can use. Enchant Command Generator Use this quick command generator to enchant: select an enchantment and a level. Check in the table above the maximum enchantment level you can use. Enchantment type:Le...
This Summon Mule Generator creates the Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac) command you can use to summon a custom mule that is fully equipped with a saddle and a chest filled with up to 15 items (including enchanted items). When you have finished customizing
Command GeneratorsIf you need help with /give commands, you can use these tools to automatically generate commands in Minecraft:Prefilled Chest Generator Give Enchanted Book Generator Give Armor Generator Give Food Generator Give Lingering Potion Generator Give Mechanism Generator Give Ore Generator Give...
259 enchanted_golden_apple 116 enchanting_table -178 end_brick_stairs 206 end_bricks 774 end_crystal 209 end_gateway 119 end_portal 120 end_portal_frame 208 end_rod 121 end_stone -167 end_stone_brick_double_slab -162 end_stone_brick_slab -980 end_stone_brick_wall 130...
Acacia Sign 金合欢木告示牌 Acacia Slab 金合欢木台阶 Acacia Stairs 金合欢木楼梯 Acacia Trapdoor 金合欢木活板门 Acacia Wall Hanging Sign 墙上的悬挂式金合欢木告示牌 Acacia Wall Sign 墙上的金合欢木告示牌 Acacia Wood 金合欢木 Activator Rail 激活铁轨 ...
Sweet Berry Bush now drops up to 6 Sweet Berries when mined using a Fortune enchanted tool (MCPE-172622) 现在使用带有时运魔咒的工具挖掘甜浆果丛时最多会掉落6个甜浆果 (MCPE-172622) Fully grown Cocoa Pods now consistently drop 3 Cocoa Beans ...
Can render enchanted and dyed armorCrafted using any stone-type slab and 6 sticksStacks up to 16Armor stands are actually entities not blocks and can therefore can be summoned using /summon ArmorStand and put in minecartsNBT tags can be used to create armor stands which are small (Small), ...
Blue ice blocks will drop nothing unless mined with a silk touch enchanted item. Blue ice can be used as a basalt generator – if flowing lava occupies a space next to blue ice and above soul sand, it generates basalt. This can be used as an infinite source of basalt. Blue ice can ...
10.设置钻石和绿宝石的资源刷新点:输入指令/bw addGenerator diamond 将脚下位置设置为钻石资源刷新点,输入指令/bw addGenerator emerald 将脚下位置设置为绿宝石资源刷新点 11.输入指令/bw save保存地图,并退出编辑模式 12.恭喜你成功配置完一张地图,但还需要最后一条指令/bw enableArena <mapName> 既然你现在已经...
MC-140397 - When combining two enchanted unbreakable items, the result will be two stacked items MC-140397- 合并两个附魔且带有无法破坏属性的物品时,会得到堆叠的两个物品 MC-157133 - Enchanted books with curses can be stacked using a grindstone ...