golden_apple = 金苹果 appleEnchanted = 附魔金苹果 armor_stand = 盔甲架 arrow = 箭 tipped_arrow = 药箭 banner_white = 白色旗帜 banner_yellow = 黄色旗帜 banner_illager = 灾厄村民 bed_black = 黑床 bed_red = 红床 bed_green = 绿床 bed_brown = 棕床 bed_blue = 蓝床 bed_purple = 紫床...
Enchanted Golden Apple 附魔金苹果 Enchanted Golden Apples have become more common in recent years due to being accessible in both Ancient Cities and Trial Chambers, warranting a demotion to Rare instead of Epic 近年来,附魔金苹果的获取变得越来越普遍,因为在远古城市和试炼密室都可以获得,因此降级为稀有而...
Enchanted Golden Apple is now "Enchanted Apple" Glistering Melon Slice is now "Glistering Melon" Turtle Scute is now "Scute" Golden Horse Armor is now "Gold Horse Armor" Splash [Awkward/Mundane/Thick] Potion is now "[Awkward/Mundane/Thick] Splash Potion" Lingering [Awkward/Mundane/Thick] ...
放在区块边界上的大箱子现在不再有一部分隐形,打开它也不会使游戏崩溃了 Golden Apple and Enchanted Apple now have colored hotbar text when selecting them (MCPE-64427) 选中金苹果和附魔金苹果时会显示一个彩色的快捷栏文本 Technical 技术性更新 Added new slash command options for '/setblock', '/fill',...
Enchanted Golden Apple 10 health points ( x 5) 4 minutes Hay Bale 20 health points ( x 10) 3 minutesNote: The chart above shows the amount of health restored for each type of food eaten by a horse. It also displays the amount of time that it speeds up growth if you feed the food...
In Bedrock Edition, librarian villagers have a 50% chance to sell enchanted books as part of their trades at novice, apprentice, and journeyman-level, and have 1⁄3 chance to sell enchanted books at expert-level as part of their trades, meaning each librarian villager can sell up to four...
-Enchanted Golden Apple [Crafting: 4 Experience Sac, 1 Golden Apple, 4 Gold Block] -Zombie Head [8 Rotten Flesh] -Creeper Head [7 Moss Block, 1 TNT] -Player Head [8 Soul Sand] -Dragon Head [4 End Stone, 1 Dragon Breath, 2 Shulker Shell]...
Powder snow no longer stops projectiles in Bedrock (MCPE-104940)细雪不再能挡住弹射物 Lightweight ...
[40] Enchanted items are generally more powerful, last longer, or have other special effects.[40] Hardcore mode is a survival mode variant that is locked to the hardest setting and has permadeath, which permanently deletes the world if the player dies.[46] If a player dies on a ...
Special banner patterns (Oxeye Daisy, Creeper Skull, Wither Skeleton Skull, Enchanted Golden Apple) can now be crafted. These patterns don't consume the pattern item when used in the Loom Old recipes for banners in the crafting table have been removed ...