第一步:制作地指令 sword(地方) 这个地方指令 sword 不是普通的武器附魔剑法所具备的类型。我们需要找到以下材料才能完成地方: - 任何木头/木质物品 - 金块 - 记号笔或铅笔 我们将这些材料融合在一起,使用 Crafting 面板来制造一个基础的地方剑。 第二步:使用附魔剑(优化附魔) 现在我们拥有了基本的地指令 sword...
Enchantments-/give @p netherite_sword{Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:sharpness",lvl:2147483647}]} 这是一把锋利255等级的下界合金剑,能造成136伤害的神剑 可说是熊孩子最爱的指令了 相信有不少MC老玩家知道什么是/enchant指令吧?/enchant是一个能附魔你手上的工具的指令,但是这指令这能让你手上的工具附魔最大...
1、闪退之王 DiAMOND_AXEcommand_block(命令方块)【基本指令】一游戏指令:/register密码注册/login密码登陆/sethome设置你自己的家/home回到你自己的家/money查看你有的钱/back回到死亡的位置/xpshop buylevel数字(等级)用钱买经验点/tp玩家名字传送到该玩家 OP指令/gamemode玩家姓名给某玩家更换游戏模式/sethome ...
I’m acommandexpert! To enchant an item with a Minecraft command type the following in the chatwhile holding the item: /enchant @s ENCHANTMENT_ID ENCHANTMENT_LEVEL For instance, if you want to enchant a sword with unbreaking III: /enchant @s unbreaking 3 You will find the IDs in the ta...
If you have commands enabled, you can open the chat and enter the following command to get your netherite sword enchanted withSharpness 100: /give @s netherite_sword[enchantments={levels:{sharpness:100}}] Maximum Sharpness The highest level of Sharpness you can enchant your sword with using cha...
/gamerule commandblockoutput false /tag @s add 承太郎 /scoreboard objectives add 时停伤害 dummy 时停伤害 模型制作 effect @e[type=armor_stand] invisibility 999999 1 true 连打 enchant @a[tag=承太郎] sharpness 1 clear @a[tag=承太郎] diamond_sword ...
In Creative, you can use the book enchanting method to enchant any item you wish, with any enchantment you wish. Some of these item-enchant combos can be completely useless (i.e.: paper with Silk Touch, a sword with Flame, etc.). You can add additional enchantments to an item by ...
Go to the first command block and select ‘Repeat’ for block type, Unconditional, and Always Active for other options. In the command input typeenchant @a{tag=sharp1000} sharpness 1. In the second command block, select Chain for block type, and set Conditional and Always Active for other...
- 'enchant-item: DAMAGE_ALL,1,sword' # 如果该增益效果为 “为全队队友增加某药水效果” 请在下方配置有关药水效果的内容 # 语法: 'player-effect:effect type,amplifier,time_seconds,apply' ## 药水效果ID列表: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/potion/PotionEffectType.html ## 例...
不易啊 /enchant @s 装备: Projectile Protection 弹射物保护(4) Depth_Strider 深海探索者(3) frost_walker 冰霜行者(2) Curse_of _Binding 绑定诅咒(1) Soul_Speed 灵魂疾行 Fire_Protection 火焰保护(4) Feather_Falling 摔落保护(4) Blast_Protection 爆炸保护(4) Respiration 水下呼吸(3) Aqua_Affinity...