Enchant Command in Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac) Bane of Arthropods I: /enchant @p bane_of_arthropods 1 Bane of Arthropods II: /enchant @p bane_of_arthropods 2 Bane of Arthropods III: /enchant @p bane_of_arthropods 3 Bane of Arthropods IV: /enchant @p bane_of_arthropods 4 Bane of...
Unbreaking-耐久让物品耗损更慢 /give @p minecraft:netherite_sword{Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:sharpness",lvl:2147483647},{id:"minecraft:fire_aspect",lvl:2147483647},{id:"minecraft:bane_of_arthropods",lvl:2147483647},{id:"minecraft:smite",lvl:2147483647},{id:"minecraft:knockback",lvl:2147483647},...
例如使用指令【/enchant @a 51 或enchant @a infinity】给所有手持弓的玩家附魔【无限】 2、give <目标> <物品> [数量][数据][标签] 使用give指令给予物品并添加魔咒可以绕过铁砧机制。 例如使用指令【/give @a diamond_sword 1 0 {ench:[{id:17,lvl:1}]}】给予所有玩家一把钻石剑附魔【亡灵杀手...
In Minecraft, you can enchant items such as armor, weapons, and tools. Each enchantment has a name and ID value assigned to it. You can use these enchantment values in the /enchant command. Here is an interactive list of all enchantments for Minecraft Ja
节肢杀手 bane_of_arthropods 11 V 每一级每一击增加2.5(× 1 1⁄4)的额外伤害,仅对节肢生物有效。 此魔咒同时会对节肢生物造成缓慢IV效果。效果的持续时间在I级时为1-1.5秒内的随机时间,每提升一级则最长持续时间增加0.5秒,在V级时达最高值3.5秒。 [仅BE] [仅JE] 5 爆炸保护 blast_protection ...
節肢剋星 bane_of_arthropods 11 V 每一級每一擊增加2.5(× 1 1⁄4)的額外傷害,僅對節肢生物有效。 此附魔同時會對節肢生物造成緩慢IV效果。效果的持續時間在I級時為1-1.5秒內的隨機時間,每提升一級則最長持續時間增加0.5秒,在V級時達最高值3.5秒。 [僅BE] [僅JE] 5 爆炸保護 blast_protection ...
附魔指令格式为:/enchant 选择器 效果 等级 1、选择器:玩家/生物主手上拿的装备。2、效果:附魔的英文全称。3、等级:≤自然生存下能附魔到的最大等级的一个数字,≥0 Minecraft中多人联机服务器中的管理员,或开启作弊模式的单人世界玩家,可以通过/enchant等命令为物品附魔。在创造模式中,可以使用...
You can add additional enchantments to an item by using one item to fix another of the same ilk on an anvil. Any enchantments from the sacrificed item will be applied to the fixed item if the enchant is meant to be used on that ilk of item. This process can be repeated to keep ...
裤子)4 - 远程攻击防御, Projectile Protection (头盔,装甲,鞋子,裤子)5 -水下呼吸,Respiration (头盔)6 -水下挖掘,Aqua Affinity (头盔)7 -伤害反射,Thorns (头盔,装甲,鞋子,裤子)武器 (剑):16 - 锋利,Sharpness (剑)17 - 亡灵杀手, Smite (剑)18 - 节肢杀手, Bane Of Arthropods (剑)19 - 击退,...
18 - 节肢杀手,Bane Of Arthropods (剑) 19 - 击退,Knock Back (剑) 20 - 火属性,Fire Aspect (剑) 21 - 掠夺,Looting (剑) 工具: 32 - 效率,Efficiency (稿子,斧子,铲子) 33 - 精准采集,Silk Touch (稿子,斧子,铲子) 34 - 耐久,Unbreaking (稿子,斧子,铲子,武器,装备) ...