To see all the elytras+ textures, download this world!: For remodeled elytras, EMF is required. Creatures+: Weapons+:...
Elytras: The elytra is now a blue monarch butterfly look, changes being to the item and the worn model. Armor: The armor is now royal armor, with gems being imbedded in the gold (an idea barrowed from reddit user MushirMickeyJoe but there was no bedrock version and it is significantly...
Creatures+: Elytras+: Pumpkins+: These packs add countless vanilla-style addons!
broken elytra mutton raw carrot golden book written porkchop cooked fireworks charge overlay chorus fruit popped brick charcoal dye powder green diamond repeater item frame fireworks rabbit hide porkchop raw fish clownfish raw beetroot seeds dye powder pink book normal fis...
Elytra 鞘翅 Dragon Head 末影龙头颅 Silence Armor Trim 幽静盔甲纹饰 Rare 稀有 Enchanted Golden Apple 附魔金苹果 Enchanted Golden Apples have become more common in recent years due to being accessible in both Ancient Cities and Trial Chambers, warranting a demotion to Rare instead of Epic ...
Auto switch elytra and chestplate. Category:Feature Toggles Type:boolean with hotkey Default value:false,no hotkey betterSneaking Player can move down 1 height when sneaking. Category:Feature Toggles Type:boolean with hotkey Default value:false,no hotkey ...
autoSwitchElytra Auto switch elytra and chestplate. Category:Feature Toggles Type:boolean with hotkey Default value:false,no hotkey Player can move down 1 height when sneaking. Category:Feature Toggles Type:boolean with hotkey Default value:false,no hotkey ...
MC-111534 - The firework rocket use statistic doesn’t count rockets used for elytra boosting MC-111534- 烟花火箭使用统计项不计入用于鞘翅飞翔加速的部分 MC-117653 - Recipes and advancements are not granted while most GUIs are open MC-117653- 绝大多数 GUI 打开时会阻止玩家获得配方或进度 ...
New Player Animation V0.6.7! 3 Oct, 2024 Better Cape and Elytra V0.1.1 22 Apr, 2021 Installation Guides Android iOS Windows 10 134 Responses 4.17 / 5 (101 votes) Leave a Reply You must belogged into post a comment. 1 1 1
/give @p elytra[custom_name='{"bold":true,"text":"item name"}'] 1 item name= r1,n3,i4...etc ### Optifine required ### otherwise this pack doesn't work properly. changes in minecraft after applying the pack. changes are:- 1)Elytra...