(ModdingLegacy) Elytra Slot (Forge)(TheIllusiveC4) Silent Lib (silentlib)(SilentChaos512) Cucumber Library(BlakeBr0) Pickle Tweaks(BlakeBr0) Advanced Mining Dimension(henkelmax) Simple Delights(JesterBlue) YUNG's Better Dungeons (Forge)(YUNGNICKYOUNG) Caelus API (Forge)(TheIllusiveC4) FTB ...
Just rent already configured server -install and update my modpacks(and dozens of others!) in one click!By renting a server for yourself you'resupporting the development! Click on the picture above, select plan(at least 6GB), use my codexdreamzto get 25% off your first month and enjoy p...
By renting a server for yourself you're supporting the development!Click on the picture above, select plan(at least 6GB), use my code xdreamz to get 25% off your first month and enjoy playing with your friends!Essential elements of the pack:⚔️ Roguelike:Level up stats (Mining, Comba...