Seed Type (Any% Glitchless) Set SeedRandom Seed Version Range (Any% Glitchless) 1.16+ Filters Show rules History Submit run # Player IGT Time Date Version Difficulty F3 Mods Time Date Version Difficulty F3 Mods drip120 7m 01s 494ms 7m 14s 100ms 1 year ago 1.16.1 Easy F3 Modded NoHacs...
Minecraft-Speedrun-Seed-Gen:开发了MSSG或Minecraft Speedrun Seed Gen,目的是改变种子的地形,同时使负责结构的部分保持不变 开发技术 - 其它kr**is 上传2KB 文件格式 zip HTML MSSG 开发了MSSG或Minecraft Speedrun Seed Gen,目的是改变种子的地形,同时使负责结构的部分保持不变...
If you’ve ever wanted tospeedrunMinecraft, this seed is perfect for that purpose. After you spawn, go to coordinates 1,150, -650 and start digging. You will soon enter a stronghold with a fully completed End Portal and an amethyst geode above it. Before heading that way, visit the thre...
It might seem impossible, but there is a way to speedrun the game that encourages exploration, creativity, and building intricate structures for hours. Those who totally want to bypass the slow gain of materials, the satisfaction of crafting an iron pickaxe for the first time, and the excitemen...