一个基于游戏的学习平台,通过在引人入胜的沉浸式环境中提高创造性、协作和批判性思维,让学生们未雨绸缪。 从基本构建到使用块、JavaScript 和 Python 进行编码,《我的世界》教育版可以贯穿整个课程,通过游戏的强大力量让课堂充满欢声笑语。 浏览所有“我的世界”内容 ...
Why Minecraft Education?Engage learners in immersive, real-world problem-solving: Minecraft Education enhances critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills by allowing students to tackle real-world challenges. Prepare students for the future: The platform equips students with ess...
雖然訓練每個部分的實際時間和步調取決於參與者,但 Minecraft 是以遊戲為基礎的學習環境,而參與的教師應該藉由玩 Minecraft Education 來體驗內建學習,因為他們正在學習如何進行教學。 Minecraft Education 中的 Scaffold 學習和技能,具有可滿足所有學習者需求的重複和挑戰...
Minecraft Education 訓練的最佳做法已完成 100 點經驗值 6 分鐘 學習Minecraft Education 之類的新事物,對於授課者來說,可能是一種令人望而卻步的體驗。 很重要的是,讓訓練人員感到輕鬆,讓他們知道每個人都會感到學習新事物的焦慮。 授課者可能會覺得 Minecraft 對於...
Educators trying Minecraft: Education Edition for the first time can get started with a beginner’s tutorial world and access a number of free class resources on education.minecraft.net. A global community of Minecraft Mentors offers year-round onboarding and classroom support, right alongside the ...
微軟在「http://education.minecraft.net/tutorial」網頁上有提供教學世界下載,下載後匯入你的 Minecraft 教育版軟體即可。 5. 你可以在 Minecraft 教育版設計教學互動 透過「 Minecraft: Education Edition 」無窮無盡的建造功能,老師可以在這個數位世界中建立課程關卡,或是打造一個讓學生互動的線上教室,例如專門提供給...
Unduh Minecraft Education Edition [ID] ダウンロードMinecraft Education Edition [JA] Minecraft Education Edition 다운로드 [KO] Pobierz Minecraft Education Edition [PL] Scarica Minecraft Education Edition [IT] Ladda ner Minecraft Education Edition [SV] Скачать Minecraft Education Editio...
Educators trying Minecraft: Education Edition for the first time can get started with a beginner’s tutorial world and access a number of free class resources on education.minecraft.net. A global community of Minecraft Mentors offers year-round onboarding and classroom support, right alongside the ...
While there are many other web-based solutions for managing online learning, they all look a bit bland when compared to Minecraft Education Edition who can offer kids and students a truly engaging 3D environment where they can learn while having fun and direct communication with their peers.The ...