Minecraft Education 重要功能 試用或購買 Minecraft Education 指派Minecraft Education 授權 散發Minecraft Education Minecraft Education 是以遊戲為基礎的平臺,可透過遊戲來激發創意和包容性學習。 探索可解除鎖定新方式以處理任何主題或挑戰的封鎖世界。 使用專為所有類型的學習者設計的課程和標準化課程,深入探討閱...
There's not a how-to on getting Minecraft: Education Edition, because it depends a lot on who you are. If you're an educator, talk to your admin about using the game for your classroom. If you're a student, talk to your educator. The requirements for Minecraft: Eduation Edition are...
分发Minecraft Education可通过不同的方法在 Windows 设备上安装 Minecraft Education。 可以在每台设备上手动安装应用,也可以使用部署工具将应用分发到多个设备。如果使用 Microsoft Intune 来管理设备,请按照以下步骤部署 Minecraft Education:转到Microsoft Intune管理中心 选择“应用”“Windows > 添加”> 在“ 应用类型...
未經Microsoft驗證的學術組織可以在購買 Minecraft Education 商業授權時,設定免費 Microsoft Entra 租使用者 直接購買 若要購買直接授權: 轉到https://education.minecraft.net/licensing 在[直接購買]底下,選取 [立即購買] 使用組織中具有帳單 管理員 許可權的帳戶登入管理員Center 購買頁面 ...
如果在学生使用 Minecraft Education 后关闭此设置,他们将在无法访问 Minecraft Education 之前最多还有 30 天的时间使用 Minecraft Education 有关许可证分配的详细信息,请参阅管理管理员中心的许可证。 可通过不同的方法在 Windows 设备上安装 Minecraft Education。 可以在每台设备上手动安装应用,也可以使用部署工具将...
【申置顶\申精】[教..===【教程附录:获取更新】=== Minecraft教育版在2016年11月1日发布了正式版,网页全面改版(而LZ抢到了最后一天教育版旧版资源和旧版网页截图
Receive a one-year subscription to Minecraft: Education Edition free when you purchase a new Windows 10 device for your school
Education Edition Blocks: Features unique blocks such as Boards for setting learning goals and Border Blocks for defining specific building areas for individuals or group collaboration.Improved Multi-Player Mode: Allows up to 30 students to collaborate and participate in shared learning activities without...
Step 2: Install Minecraft Education Once you have purchased or verified that you have a license, downloadMinecraft Educationfor your computer (either Windows 10 or macOS). Click on the label that says: “Get it on…” with name of your operating system. The install will start automatically. ...