方法一、借助Universal Minecraft Editor软件 下载地址:https://www.universalminecrafteditor.com/5glXX1pcDtTpIhlScl37.html 1、首先用结构方块保存要转移的建筑,名称随意 2、接着在目标存档随便保存一个结构 3、打开Universal Minecraft Editor,点击Windows10,导入原存档。接着右上角加号导入目标存档 4、打开并下拉找...
在http://www.downxia.com/downinfo/400209.html下载Universal Minecraft Editor V1.7.3后解压并安装。没啥好说的,无脑下一步。 安装完成后打开程序,注意会提示要升级,请勿点击!因为新版本需要花$订阅,土豪请无视。 请点击“No”拒绝升级。 点击Windows10。 点击Windows10。 在这里选择你的存档,默认是正式版。
Code Connection will popup another window with a number of editors to choose from. Hit “esc” to leave the game momentarily. Go over to the Code Connection window and press theMakeCodebutton, of course. The MakeCode editor will load. Select “New Project” in the “My Projects” gallery ...
A Windows 10 (or higher) computer Keyboard and mouse Important Editor is not available on mobile. Install Minecraft Preview You will need the latest installation of Minecraft Preview. To learn more about what it is and where to get it, here is anarticle about Preview on Minecraft.net. ...
A Windows 10 (or higher) computer with Minecraft Bedrock Editor Keyboard and mouseВажно Editor is not available on mobile.It's recommended that the following be completed before beginning this tutorial.How to get Minecraft Bedrock Editor ...
To update your Minecraft Windows 10 edition, just follow the steps below: Run the Microsoft Store. Click the three dots on the top right corner and selectDownloads and updates. ClickGet updates. After doing this, Microsoft Store will check and install the latest updates for all the apps you...
Today, we are happy to announce MakeCode editor designed for Minecraft for Windows 10. Download And Setup Instructions What’s new? With this latest update, we’ve also taken the opportunity to fix a bunch of bugs and add some new features that people have suggested to us. We’ll also be...
Minecraft: Windows 10 5 Courses Modding with Tynker Workshop Skin Editor Add-on Manager Texture Editors Get Started Minecraft: Pocket Edition for iPad 5 Courses Modding with Tynker Workshop Skin Editor Add-On Manager Texture Editors Modding with Tynker App ...
Minecraft: Windows 10 5 Courses Modding with Tynker Workshop Skin Editor Add-on Manager Texture Editors Get Started Minecraft: Pocket Edition for iPad 5 Courses Modding with Tynker Workshop Skin Editor Add-On Manager Texture Editors Modding with Tynker App Get Started Minecraft Education 10 Tutor...
你将会被带到一个编辑器(更精确的说:你的“EDITOR”环境变量编辑器)来编辑你的用户 cron 表。添加下列行:*/5 * * * * bash /home/<your_username>/minecraft_server/save_world.sh &>/dev/null现在你的服务器将会重启,你将会在晚些时候在共享内存里(/dev/shm/minecraft/world)重新创建世界文件夹(/dev...