在mods文件夹下安装本模组、Fabric API和模组菜单(Mod Menu),(如果你想要更高的性能,还可以安装钠(Sodium))。 刚装完模组你会发现游戏内并没有任何改变,但是一旦你打开“视频设置”或者进入到模组目录(安装了模组菜单(ModMenu)模组才会添加)的模组设置页面,你会发现有一个叫做“Dynamic Lights”的设置,并且这个设...
ReleaseR Jul 11, 2024 333.98 KB 677.3K 1.21.1+29 Quilt Fabric + 1 File Name dynamiclights-v1.8.3-mc1.17x-1.21x-mod.jar Supported Versions 1.19-Snapshot 1.21-Snapshot 1.20-Snapshot 1.17-Snapshot 1.18-Snapshot 1.21.1-Snapshot 1.21.1 1.21 1.20.2-Snapshot 1.20.5-Snapshot 1.20.3-Snapsh...
LambDynamicLights The most feature-complete dynamic lighting Minecraft mod for Fabric. 📖 What's this mod? It's dark outside, extremely dark... You can't see a lot in the darkness, you wish you had a torch, or a lantern to hold and see in the light... And this is now possible...
A dynamic lights mod for Quilt and Fabric. 📖 What's this mod? It's dark outside, extremely dark... You can't see a lot in the darkness, you wish you had a torch, or a lantern to hold and see in the light... And this is now possible with this mod as it adds dynamic lig...
【官方中字】地表最强FPS优化模组! 渣机也可以轻松上1000FPS+ 冷空awa 我的世界五款4.9评分的原版优化模组! Mayer很难 00:57 提升帧数(网易可用 合金doy 1.7万0 渣机也能玩光影?专注光影优化的mod!渣机的MC画质有救了! 老本願 KiraKiraAyu 05:45 ...
LambDynamicLights The most feature-complete dynamic lighting mod for Fabric. 📖 What's this mod? It's dark outside, extremely dark... You can't see a lot in the darkness, you wish you had a torch, or a lantern to hold and see in the light... ...
Fabric:https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/starlight 12. 光影 BSL 地址:https://bitslablab.com/bslshaders/ complementary 地址:https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders SEUS 地址:https://www.sonicether.com/seus/ ...
LambDynamicLightsThe most feature-complete dynamic lighting mod for Fabric.📖 What's this mod?It's dark outside, extremely dark... You can't see a lot in the darkness, you wish you had a torch, or a lantern to hold and see in the light......
Fixed lighting issue with Blue's Dynamic Lights mod and LambDynamicLights mod (by disabling light caching which might give you lower performance) Fixed a rendering bug 2.9.7 Fixed ragdolls getting flung into the air like crazy Added items rotation speed in settings when items get dropped ...