是强化物品的地方,玩家可在此处提升物品的战力等级。 奢侈品商人(Luxury Merchant)可以在仙人掌峡谷中进行解救。会以极高的价格出售包括独特品质的物品。 神秘商人(Mystery Merchant)可以在南瓜牧场中进行解救。是出售随机装备箱的地方,购买后会不经提示直接打开并显示所得物。 礼包商(Gift Wrapper)可以在潮湿沼泽中进行...
The Blossoming Isles Custom DLC Mod adds 2 new Arch-Haven length levels to minecraft dungeons, accessible through a new table next to the mystery merchant! Full info Below! 23.0MB 65 2.3k Odyssey Camp Levels Uploaded:14 Nov 2021 Last Update:14 Dec 2021 ...
404 Also try Minecraft Dungeons!也试试Minecraft Dungeons吧! Minecraft Dungeons是Minecraft的衍生游戏。 1.16(rc1) 1.16.100( 405 Vanilla!原版! 即使游戏中装有Mod,此标语照常出现。 1.16(rc1) 1.16.100( 406 May contain traces of citrus!可能含微量柑橘成分! 一种食物过敏...
merchant speechbank * Fixed an unfortunate error in a Dorwinion miniquest speechbank Public Beta 28 + Added the Dale and Dorwinion factions + Added the Dale, Dorwinion, and Emyn Winion biomes + Added new waypoints and roads in Wilderland, Dale, and Dorwinion + Added the Men of Dale +...
Adjustments have been made to the following instanced dungeons: The Drowned City of Skalla Certain dungeon mechanics have been adjusted. The Kelpie boss battle has been adjusted. The Old One boss battle has been adjusted. The Hrodric Poisontongue boss battle has been adjusted. ...
[22:54:01] [main/INFO]: [Quark ASM] Transforming ContainerMerchant [22:54:01] [main/INFO]: [Quark ASM] Applying Transformation to method (Names [transferStackInSlot, func_82846_b, b] Descriptor (Lnet/minecraft/entity/player/EntityPlayer;I)Lnet/minecraft/item/ItemStack; / (Laed;I)Laip...
奢侈品商人(Luxury Merchant)可以在仙人掌峡谷中进行解救。会以极高的价格出售包括独特品质的物品。 神秘商人(Mystery Merchant)可以在南瓜牧场中进行解救。是出售随机装备箱的地方,购买后会不经提示直接打开并显示所得物。 礼包商(Gift Wrapper)可以在潮湿沼泽中进行解救。用于将物品打包成礼物并在玩家之间互相...