購買終極版將包括基礎遊戲和完整 6 個 DLC:覺醒叢林、驚悚寒冬、咆嘯山巔、地獄烈焰、隱密深淵和回聲虛空,價格比單獨購買遊戲和每一款 DLC 更划算。隨著奇厄教主和統御寶珠的故事,對抗大量生物、探索跨維度關卡並找出數不清的寶藏。這是體驗完整 Minecraft Dungeons 的大好機會,馬上選購!
Minecraft Dungeons 的新動向 遊戲特色 遊戲詳細內容 在受到經典地牢爬行者所啟發、設定在 Minecraft 世界的全新動作冒險遊戲中殺出一條路!獨自一人勇敢面對地牢,或者與朋友一起組隊!最多可以有四位玩家一起組隊對抗,遊戲裡動作滿載、寶藏遍佈、每個關卡都有不同玩法,史詩般的任務全是為了拯救村民們並打敗邪惡的 Arch...
Xbox One Xbox Series X|S 此版本 Minecraft Dungeons Minecraft Dungeons 終極版 HK$309.00+ 包含的遊戲 Minecraft Dungeons 包含附加元件 Minecraft Dungeons:蠕動之冬Minecraft Dungeons:蠕動之冬Minecraft Dungeons:咆嘯山巔Minecraft Dungeons:地獄烈焰Minecraft Dungeons:隱密深淵Minecraft Dungeons:回聲虛空英雄 DLC ...
主機上的線上多人遊戲需要有 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 或 Xbox Game Pass Core (需另行購買)。 藝廊 顯示全部 Minecraft Dungeons - Windows 10查看遊戲 描述 完整體驗 Minecraft Dungeons 的故事,從開始直到「終界」。購買終極版將包括基礎遊戲和完整 6 個 DLC:覺醒叢林、驚悚寒冬、咆嘯山巔、地獄烈焰、隱密深淵...
Experience the complete story of Minecraft Dungeons from the beginning to the End. Discover untold treasures as you follow the story of the Arch-Illager and the Orb of Dominance. This is your chance to pick up the complete Minecraft Dungeons experience, so get your copy now!
Genesis of the Void invites us to travel to one of the mysterious and beautiful floating islands. There, we’ll discover new adventures, objects, enemies… and dark secrets. The mod features revamped dungeons and the possibility of completing them with our friends. It is one of the most comp...
However, in survival mode at night time, you have to face encounter enemies and dungeons beneath the earth. Therefore, you have to prepare yourself for such devastating phases. Hardcore Mode On your mobile phone, the hardcore mode is not easy to play because of fast-decreasing health, as you...
Microsoft and Mojang, the original creators ofMinecraft, have announced a new game in the series set to the tone and style of the original but with a completely new gameplay style. CalledMinecraft Dungeons, the game is an action RPG set to release on Xbox One and PC in the spring of 202...
The base game: Minecraft Dungeons, Jungle Awakens, Creeping Winter, Howling Peaks, Flames of the Nether, Hidden Depths, Echoing Void. flag Available languages star Overall rating 5.00/5 Based on2reviews Overall: Did you buy this product on GAMIVO?
Among its vast area of land, players can dive deep into each of the features and explore the open world madness. Players can explore for countless hours among its dungeons, and caves and for the treasures hidden in them. Crafting: