Explore the top Minecraft Dungeons mods on CurseForge. Enhance your adventure with free mods that offer new skins, visuals, and more
Void Tome: Shoots a powerful void laser burst. Thanks to -Q- for the texture. Added Kraken Tentacles: New Food Potion Straw: When equipped offhand, every potion drink will be instantaneous. 3 new blocks! 1.16.3-1.4.0 Traveler's Tales ...
For those who want to test the artifact items in creative mode, here is a command to get a note that unlocks the item desciption:/give <player>uniquedungeons:ancient_note{"uniquedungeons.artifact":"<item-id>"} CurseForge - a world of endless gaming possibilities for modders and gamers alik...
整合包下载地址:https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/roguelike-adventures-and-dungeons-2 模组数量:286 汉化补丁集合站:https://www.ningnana.top 萌新开服推荐【CV29041774】 整合包剧情内容: Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons 2是著名的Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons模组包的官方精神继承者,受到许多...
Find the best Minecraft Mods and Modpacks on CurseForge - Enhance your gameplay with free mods that offer powerful tools for building and combat
在安装这一MOD后,原版清理掉落物命令可能无效,请尝试以下命令: /kill @e[type=realdrops:item_loot] 可能和 Obfuscate 有冲突。 物品掉落物理(轻量)ItemPhysic lite1.7-1.12 1.15-1.16https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/itemphysic-lite 可能和 Obfuscate 有冲突。
It also is a good place to discuss the Dalek Mod and find friends from it's public Minecraft server. If you have a problem with CurseForge, or just wish to download the mod from another trustworthy place, you can also visit the download page for the Dalek Mod on our own website!
“这是一次专门针对 Minecraft Mod 圈的攻击。至少从 5 月起,CurseForge 中的部分账号被盗,并上传了含有病毒的 Mod、整合包、服务器插件。受影响的 至少包括 Better MC 系列整合包、Dungeons Arise、天空村庄、十余个其他 Mod、服务器插件,以及使用了这些 Mod 的整合包。 “该恶意软件至少会尝试:盗取 MC 账号,...
It may have some kind of malicious files or have been modified in some way. I urge you to delete the file, run a full virus and malware scan and, if you want to use MC Dungeons Artifacts, come and download it on Modrinth, CurseForge or from GitHub. ...
Minecraft: Dungeons分页 2、Minecraft:Education Edition(我的世界:教育版)官网 网址:https://education.minecraft.net 让MC走入课堂!教育版的存在,让Minecraft又多了一份价值。这个网站是Minecraft教育版的官网。 网站截图: 主页 主页 主页 3、《我的世界》中国版官网 网址:http://mc.163.com或http://minecraft...