There are four actively maintained editions of Minecraft: Java Edition, Bedrock Edition, Minecraft Education and China Edition. Minecraft Dungeons is an action-adventure role-playing game where up to four players can travel through procedurally generated levels, fight monsters, and face off against ...
由于Minecraft Dungeons的翻译也由此外包团队翻译,且Minecraft教育版和Minecraft Earth基于基岩版开发,因此这些版本的Minecraft中存在同样的问题。 俄语Minecraft Java版审核员fromgate制作了一款名为Translations for Minecraft (Bedrock)的全语言基岩版翻译修正资源包,玩家可于Crowdin提交翻译,已收获数百万下载...
隨附 包含的遊戲 Minecraft Dungeons - Windows 10Minecraft Launcher 移至遊戲 此版本 Minecraft: Java & Bedrock Edition for PC 包含的遊戲 Minecraft LauncherMinecraft for WindowsMinecraft: Java Edition Minecraft Legends for Windows + Launcher 隨附
Minecraft Dungeons ◄◄ 1.16.0 ◄ 1.16.221 1.17.1 ► 1.18.0 ►► 1.17.0是洞穴與山崖的首個正式版,也是基岩版的一次主要更新,發布於2021年6月8日[1]。該版本宣布於Minecraft Live 2020。[2]此次更新加入了紫晶洞,以紫水晶、銅、深板岩為主的大量方塊與物品,以及新生物山羊、螢光魷魚和六角恐...
There are four actively maintained editions of Minecraft: Java Edition, Bedrock Edition, Minecraft Education and China Edition. Minecraft Dungeons is an action-adventure role-playing game where up to four players can travel through procedurally generated levels, fight monsters, and face off against ...
You and your friends must go from prehistoric to advanced while you make epic structures and see the wonderous world. Find great beasts to aid you in your journey in making the city of Bedrock.
There are four actively maintained editions of Minecraft: Java Edition, Bedrock Edition, Minecraft Education and China Edition. Minecraft Dungeons is an action-adventure role-playing game where up to four players can travel through procedurally generated levels, fight monsters, and face off against ...
这个同捆包包含了三款 Minecraft 游戏,带您进入一个充满着创造力、紧张感与神秘感的方块世界。Minecraft 是一款终级沙盒游戏,任由你畅游在其中自由探索,塑造无限独一无二的世界。您既可以在这里度过漫漫长夜生存到天亮,也可以创作出一件艺术品,又或者两者兼得!和好友
Minecraft - 1.17.40 (Bedrock) Minecraft 基岩版 1.17.40 Posted:October 19, 2021 发布于:October 19,2021 The 1.17.40 update has arrived! This release brings new bug fixes to the game, as well as some new experimental features. Minecraft 基岩版 1.17.40 更新到来了!这个正式版带来许多新的bug修...