minecraft:bedrock 基岩 minecraft:flowing_water 水 minecraft:water 静态水 minecraft:flowing_lava 岩浆 minecraft:lava 静态岩浆 minecraft:sand 沙子 minecraft:gravel 沙砾 minecraft:gold_ore 金矿石 minecraft:iron_ore 铁矿石 minecraft:coal_ore 煤矿石 minecraft:log 木头 minecraft:leaves 树叶 minecraft:sponge ...
bedrock=基岩 bell=钟 camera=摄像机 conduit=潮涌核心 invisibleBedrock=隐形基岩 beetroot=甜菜根 birchFence=桦木栅栏 birch_fence_gate=桦木栅栏门 blast_furnace=高炉 bone_block=骨头方块 coal_block=煤炭块 diamond_block=钻石块 emerald_block=绿宝石块 gold_block=金块 iron_block=铁块 lapis_block=青金石块...
基岩Bedrock 宝箱获得 哭泣的黑曜石Crying Obsidian 酿造 玻璃瓶Glass Bottle 水瓶Water Bottle 恶魂之泪Ghast Tear 药水Potion 发酵蛛眼Fermented Spider Eye 喷溅型药水Splash Potions 滞留型药水Lingering Potion 幻翼膜Phantom Membrane 炼药锅Cauldron 烈焰粉Blaze Powder 龙息Dragon's Breath 酿造台Brewing Stand 闪烁...
betterbedrock | 5.1 | BetterBedrock-1.12.2-5.1.11.jar | None | | LCH | mts | 15.4.0 | Immersive+Vehicles-1.12.2-15.4.0.jar | None | | LCH | unuparts | 2.2.0 | UNU+Parts+Pack+[MTS]+[IR]+1.12.2-15.3.0-1.5.0-2.2.0.jar | None | | LCH | btcivil | 2.3.0 | ...
7 Bedrock(minecraft:bedrock) 8 Flowing Water(minecraft:flowing_water) 9 Still Water(minecraft:water) 10 Flowing Lava(minecraft:flowing_lava) 11 Still Lava(minecraft:lava) 12 Sand(minecraft:sand) 12:1 Red Sand(minecraft:sand) 13 Gravel(minecraft:gravel) 14 Gold Ore(minecraft:gold_ore) 15 ...
minecraft:bedrock minecraft:bee_nest minecraft:beehive minecraft:beetroot minecraft:bell minecraft:big_dripleaf minecraft:birch_button minecraft:birch_door minecraft:birch_double_slab minecraft:birch_fence minecraft:birch_fence_gate minecraft:birch_hanging_sign minecraft:birch_leaves minecraft:birch_log minecra...
bedrock 基岩clay 粘土cobblestone 圆石moss stone 苔石dirt 泥土coarse dirt 砂土gravel 沙砾(li四声)ice 冰packed ice 浮冰monster spawner 刷怪笼(箱) 来自Android客户端4楼2016-01-09 22:49 收起回复 信标6 知名人士 11 sand 沙子red sand 红沙sandstone 沙石red sandstone 红沙石smooth sandstone 平滑沙石...
1、方块ID图标DecHex名称方块000minecraft:air空气101minecraft:stone石头 S B202minecraft:grass草方块303minecraft:dirt泥土 S B404minecraft:cobblestone圆石505minecraft:planks木板 S B606minecraft:sapling树苗 S B707minecraft:bedrock基岩808minecraft:flowing_water水 S909minecraft:water静态水 S100Aminecraft:flowing_...
Java Edition Bedrock Edition View all renders Renewable Yes Stackable Yes (64) Tools Blast resistance 3 (Wood)5 (Iron)? (Copper) Hardness 3 (Wood and copper)5 (Iron) Luminous No Transparent Partial Flammable No Catches fire from lava Overworld wood: YesNether wood, iron, copp...
Ahem, excuse me! Ever since I set up shop on top of this stony peak, I’ve been communicating exclusively through yodels. I’ll switch back to words for this Bedrock Beta update, that brings you updates from these heights all the way down to dripstone and lush caves. ...