龙珠C(DragonBlockC)模组是灵感于《七龙珠》动漫为题材而制作的一个MOD,MOD的原作者是JinRyuu 这个mod占用了大多数的快捷键,跟一些mod可能会产生冲突。 进入世界,开始需要按“v”键,(默认)选择种族。 1.选择种族(默认按键V) 人类种族 相对其他种族来说比较弱势,初始6个属性为10,比较平衡,拥有地球人种族天赋,其...
B:"Kaioken - Sustainable Super"=false 融合:j 在.minecraft/config里找到jinryuudragonblockc.cfg文件使用记事本或使用Notepad++打开,开或者是关(true或false) # Server Sided! If 'true' then Fusion will be available to use, If 'false' then Fusion wont be usable. (For balancing reasons default: fal...
DragonBlockC-这个是主体MOD JRMCore-这个是前置MOD(也可以说是附属)JBRA-Client-和上面那个一个,前置...
七龙珠 DragonBlockC Mod2017-07-26 20:07:44 24458 文章分类: MOD· 原版加强Mod· 1.7.x 链接:官网 七龙珠的动画在中国非常受欢迎,今天,有人把此元素制作成MOD搬到我的世界中,如果你是七龙珠的粉丝,那么千万别错过这个MOD。 介绍: 基础“能源”机制 新的侦察员! 它可以检测其他玩家 萨加斯系统 愿望系统...
/setworldspawn x y z (设置世界出生点到指定坐标) 7、/summon zombie x y z (生成僵尸到指定坐标) 解释:zombie僵尸 Skeleton骷髅弓箭手 Ghast恶魂 Witch 女巫 Ender Dragon末影龙 Wither凋零 creeper 苦力怕 版本记录 v20240926 修复了与物理鼠标相关的问题 修复了Java 17自动提取的问题猜...
Lucky OneBlock - Lucky Blocks - Multiplayer - [ 1.21.3!! ] Byel_this_boy 765.8K Worlds It is an map just like the OneBlock map from IJAMinecraft. On this map you will appear as a single block floating above the void. You will forever break a Lucky Block! Good luck!
演示版本:基岩版(Windows): 演示机型:联想Y9000X(3060) 1:模组名称:终极植物大战僵尸SERPVZ V1.1.0汉化版 2:模组作者:Zacek el Serpentín 3:模组介绍: V1.1.0更新日志: -与Minecraft 1.20.60兼容 -现在你不会失去阳光 -一些粒子和声音是固定的 -更多优化 -已修复小错误 4:支持版本:1.20.50+ ...
With the Game of Thrones ending fading into history, fans have had House of the Dragon unleashed to make them hungry for more. Well, hunger no longer, and feast yourself on this WesterosCraft. While it’s not finished, the creators estimate that the world is 72% complete as of late 2022...
Dragon Block Reloaded is a spectacular Dragon Ball inspired resource pack that’s probably among the best packs we’ve seen that have been inspired by this series. There have been various Dragon Ball based resource packs over the years, but most of them haven’t really been able to replicate...
Dragon Block C 1.6.4is a mod that takes us into the world of Dragon Ball Z, as the mod adds things like the Dragon Balls, various armor characters like Goku, Trunks, Vegeta and others, to things like the Kame Hame, Ki, the Z Sword, space capsules and radar, among many other things...