Rock Paper Shotgun is better when you sign in Sign in and join us on our journey to discover strange and compelling PC games. Sign in with Google Sign in with email Latest On Minecraft The best Minecraft Bedrock seeds The best Minecraft shaders for 1.21.4...
If you're a Bedrock player who strives for riches, this seed will give you wealth beyond your wildest dreams. Walk to the northeast of Spawn to find a large Beach biome in the center of a Plains biome. Beneath the sands of this beach, you'll find seven different buried treasure chests...
This is the most mind-bending game-breaking Minecraft mod that I have come across. Minecraft is known for its block-based gameplay, and well, this mod smoothens it all out. Yeah, no more blocks. As a player, you refuse to believe the game you are playing is Minecraft once you install...
in Bedrock Edition, this applies to all mobs and players who are in water, including those in the rain. If you are planning toraid an Ocean Monument, this is a great enchantment to have on your Trident.
Version:Bedrock Spawn:64, 16 Biomes:Birch Forest, Roofed Forest While this Woodland Mansion is a bit of a walk from Spawn, the rooms and treasures it contains are more than worth the wait. You’ll find at least one secret room on the first floor containing a chest with an enchanted leat...
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