Superfragilisticexpialidocious! Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! 1.0 (RC1) That's not a moon!那不是月亮! That's no moon!那不是月亮! 1.0 (RC1) Tyrian would love it!Tyrian会喜欢的! Tyrion would love it!Tyrion会喜欢的! 1.0 (RC1) When it's finished!在完成的时候……!
|Minecraft 基岩版是指运行在移动平台(Android、iOS)、Windows 10/11、主机(Xbox One、Switch、PlayStation 4/5)上,使用「基岩引擎」(C++语言)开发的 Minecraft 版本。 |正式版是 Minecraft 基岩版经过一段时间的测试版测试之后得到的稳定版本,也是众多纹理、附加包和 Realms 会逐渐跟进的版本。与此同时 Google Pla...
LIST OF KNOWN INCOMPATIBLE MODS: Xaero's minimap:causes heads of dogs/wolves to float. Resource pack friendly alternative: Revamped wolf:causes models to look like strings. Resource pack friendly alternative: none available. ...
Our list breaks down the very best Minecraft skins, with choices ranging across different categories to tickle fancies of all varieties, plus we've also taken the time to break down how to use a skin editor for you to step up and try being pixel-Picasso for yourself. Blocking up a custom...
Use /help camera to get a full list of options 使用/help camera 可以获得详细说明 Added a new experimental Cameras toggle to allow for custom camera perspectives 加入了实验性的摄像头切换以允许自定义的摄像头角度Items物品 Items with the ‘minecraft:throwable’ component now trigger the ‘throw’ so...
Splash texts are the yellow lines of text on the title screen. They are randomly chosen from the list below and often feature references to popular culture (e.g. websites, quotes, and video games). The splash pulsates on the title screen twice per second
have underscores, like in Java Edition (e.g. ancientcity -> ancient_city); the old names ...
description: Grants access to the list command. default: false itemjoin.purge: description: Grants access to the purge command. default: false itemjoin.get: description: Grants access to the basic get commands. default: false itemjoin.get.others: ...
The first is to set theALLOW_LISTenvironment variable to true and map in anallowlist.jsonfile (previously known as "whitelist.json") that is custom-crafted to the container. The other is to set theALLOW_LIST_USERSenvironment variable to a comma-separated list of gamer tag usernames and the...
To address this you can use the environment variable JVM_DD_OPTS, which builds the params from a given list of values separated by space, but without the -D prefix. To make things running under systems (e.g. Plesk), which doesn't allow = inside values, a : (colon) could be used ...