[syam], BlockDisguise v0.4 com.ne0nx3r0.blockdisguise.BlockDisguise [], RPG Items v3.3 think.rpgitems.Plugin [], Multiverse-Core v2.5-b641 com.onarandombox.MultiverseCore.MultiverseCore [Rigby, fernferret, lithium3141, main--], Bibo38Lib v0.7 me.bibo38.Bibo38Lib.Bibo38Lib [bibo38], ...
LibsDisguises, DisguiseCraft & iDisguise - Player get bonuses, Player / Victim is unDisguised when attacked. BattleArena - Player dont get rewards while playing BattleArena. Can be disabled in config.yml VanishNoPacket. Players don't get rewards if vanished. BossBarAPI & BarAPI: is used for ...
One of the core features of the Dalek Mod is the TARDIS. You can use it to travel anywhere in Minecraft, so long as you have enough fuel for the journey. You can keep it maintained with various fluid link levels, change the disguise on the outside, and even craft preset console rooms...
One of the core features of the Dalek Mod is the TARDIS. You can use it to travel anywhere in Minecraft, so long as you have enough fuel for the journey. You can keep it maintained with various fluid link levels, change the disguise on the outside, and even craft preset console rooms...
Fixed messages for entry hazards, screens, weather, damage, healing, Tailwind, Perish Song, Destiny Bond, Shed Skin, Uproar, Forewarn, Disguise, Arena Trap, Yawn, Curse, Clamp, Whirlpool, Liquid Ooze, Miracle Eye, Safeguard, Magic Bounce, Lock On, Focus Energy, Confusion, and more. Fixed ...