This mod is no longer being worked on by me (Electroblob). However, a team of kind volunteers are working on a port, initially aiming for Minecraft 1.19.2. Join the Discord server for regular progress updates, or if you are interested in helping out! This CurseForge page will remain the ...
• German translation for the pack Installation Make sure to enable all of these experiments Requires at least Minecraft 1.21.30 To suggest new ideas, check out my other work or report bugs, join my discord : ...
This cart is the oldest of this mod. It comes with a double chest inventory and has room for a friend of yours to sit comfortably on its back. Good luck on the adventures you shall overcome together. Controls: The carts inventory can be accessed by sneaking while right clicking it. If ... This is a reference to the Minecraft Discord server. 1.2.13(beta Machine learning! 1.9.0(beta Release the Snord! 1.9.0(beta Team Mystic! Team Mystic is one of the teams that can be joined in Pokémon Go. 1.9.0(beta 1.9...
Need Help? Join our Discord! We now have our very ownDiscord Serverwhere you can pop in to ask questions or offer feedback. Bug reports and crashes should beposted on GitHub, however. Modpack Reviews If you're not familiar with MMC Reviews, it's a website where you can leave a few...
MCSManagersupports English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese, with plans to add support for more languages in the future! Terminal Instance List Custom Layout Features One-click deployment ofMinecraftJava/Bedrock Server ...
Everyone can help to translate this mod into other languages. Therefore, please send a pull request on GitHub with your translation or a suggestion on the discord server. English (100%) German (100%) ⚠️ Please note! To protect your world from damage, you should always create a backup...
Provide your sample world through the Discord server. Please be sure to include pictures so the community can be excited about it! Provide a description of this building. What would it be used for or is this just an aesthetic building?
Now you can type the server IP address in the "server address" box. Click “Done” and then click “Join Server”. If you did everything correctly, you should be connected to the server and able to play with others. Minecraft IP List MinecraftIPList Discord + Support + Announcements ...
Want to discuss anything? Need help with APIs? Join the discord server and follow Zeitheron on Twitter! If you would like to support my work, you can become a patron via Patreon.