)、/kill、/list、/op、/say、/setblock、/setfixedinvslot、/setworldspawn、/spawnpoint、/summon、/tell(及其别名/msg和/w)、/testforblock、/testforblocks、/time、/toggledownfall、/tp(及其别名/teleport)、/weather、/wsserver和/xp命令。 大部分命令的功能与Java版1.10相同。差别在于:不支持数据标签、/...
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to use the /weather command with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. You can use the /weather command to change between weather cycles at any time (clear, rain, thunder or snow) for a Minecraft world.
作弊fireworkessentials.firework允许玩家使用/firework命令Allow access to the /firework command.作弊...
Wolves now have double the amount of health than they used to 狼现在拥有了两倍于以前的生命值 Ex...
disable_player_pvp: true disable_void_death: true disable_fire_damage: true disable_drowning: true disable_off_hand_swap: true # 需要 1.9+ # 其他 disable_weather_change: true disable_death_message: true disable_mob_spawning: true # 物品实体 ...
/weatherSets the weather in the environment. See more in thePopular Commands documentation.Game DirectorsYes /wsserverAttempts to connect to the websocket server on the provided URL.AdminYes /xpAdds or removes player experience.Game DirectorsYes ...
commandBlockOutput显示命令输入时的聊天栏提示 sendCommandFeedback在聊天栏显示玩家执行命令结果 showDeathMessages聊天栏显示死亡信息 spectatorsGenerateChunks观察者生成区块(观察模式下加载区块) disableElytraMovementCheck停止让服务器检测玩家飞行速度 naturalRegeneration自动回血(金苹果,状态,属性不受影响) ...
doWeatherCycleWhether weather changes. If set to false, weather will stop at current cycle.true or falsetrue drowningDamageWhether drowning causes damage(available starting in1.15)true or falsetrue fallDamageWhether falls cause damage(available starting in1.15)true or falsetrue ...
setWeather(weatherType: WeatherType, duration?: number): void Sets the current weather within the dimension Parameters weatherType:WeatherType Set the type of weather to apply. duration?:number=null Sets the duration of the weather (in ticks). If no duration is provided, the duration will be...
The duration of the weather change now matches the game's regular weather cycle if not specified 在未指定时,天气变化的时长现在匹配游戏内正常的天气变化 The duration parameter is now a time duration in ticks and works with t, s and d suffixes duration 参数现在是一个时间段,单位是 tick ,同时...