block-updates: disable-chorus-plant-updates: false # 是否禁用紫颂植物更新 disable-mushroom-block-updates: false # 是否禁用蘑菇方块更新 disable-noteblock-updates: false # 是否禁用音符盒更新 disable-tripwire-updates: false # 是否禁用绊线更新 chunk-loading-advanced: auto-config-send-distance: true #...
Vanilla Parity:原版特性同步:Gameplay 玩法 Modified the Fireball entity's collision box to match ...
Spectators pass through solid blocks and entities without collision 旁观模式玩家可穿过固体方块和实体,...
以避免重叠# 如果设置为false,性能上会有一些增加,但是会让旧领地与新领地重叠CheckCollision:trueGlobalChat:# 禁用或启用领地聊天修改,这包括玩家所在的领地名Enabled:false# 修改领地聊天格式. 添加聊天格式, 你可以把这些%1添加到聊天格式中,并禁用该选项.SelfModify:trueFormat:'&c[&e%1&c]'# 如果...
minecraft:sticky_piston_arm_collision minecraft:stone minecraft:stone_block_slab minecraft:minecraft:stone_brick_double_slab minecraft:stone_block_slab2 minecraft:stone_block_slab3 minecraft:stone_block_slab4 minecraft:stone_brick_double_slab minecraft:stone_brick_slab minecraft:stone_brick_stairs minecraft...
Disable Mob Fleeing for Small Ships #4561 (MuteTiefling) Disable Wire Melting dupe loop #4754 (MuteTiefling) Fixes typo in Building quests #4613 (MuteTiefling) Fix More recipes that were in the wrong spot #4770 (MuteTiefling) Fix some more kubejs inconsistencies by observing duplicate recipes ...
-- Entity being checked for collision --Details:Entity Type: lmmx.LittleMaidX (littleMaidMobX.LMM_EntityLittleMaid)Entity ID: 474Entity Name: 女仆酱Entity's Exact location(实体的准确坐标):-203.61, 71.94, 671.31Entity's Block location: World(你用这个也可以,小数点区别而已):(-204,71,671),... Good starting value: false Here you can disable armor stand collisions. This will help if you have a lot of armor stands and don't need them colliding with anything. tick-rates Good starting values: behavior: villager: validatenearbypoi: 60 acquirepoi:...
negates_fall_damage False Boolean Defines whether the explosion should apply fall damage negation to Players above the point of collision. particle_effect explosion String The name of the particle effect to use. The accepted strings are 'explosion', 'wind_burst', or 'breeze...
/setblock ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:mob_spawner 0 replace {SpawnPotentials:[{Weight:1,Entity:{id:"Skeleton"}}]} 移除Type和Properties标签,弃用EntityId标签。 方块实体:告示牌 为了使得告示牌接受文字,四个标签(“Text1”,“Text2”,“Text3”和“Text4”)必须全部存在。 例子:/setblock ~ ~1 ~ minecraft...