├── grass_block_side_overlay.png ├── grass_block_side.png ├── grass_block_top.png └── grass.png 因为是随机生成,所以大概相当于从各种生物群系随机选取草方块,选择自己觉得合适的就行。然后草方块的底面需要用到dirt.png这个是固定的。直接找到即可。 制作 基础部分参照这个视频就行,但是照搬...
stone_texture = load_texture('assets/stone_block.png') brick_texture = load_texture('assets/brick_block.png') dir_texture = load_texture('assets/dirt_block.png') block_pick = 1 def update(): global block_pick if held_keys['1']: block_pick = 1 if held_keys['2']: block_pick =...
Does not display block entities, even if they would normally be created on block placement (like chest) 不会展示方块实体,即使它们通常在放置时即创建方块实体(例如箱子)Fields: 字段: block_state - block state to display. Same format as item held by endermen (example {Name:"minecraft:dirt"}) ...
在blockTypes.js中添加如下代码,可见方块类型有草块、土块、石块三种类型: import*asTHREEfrom"three";//===方块类型===exportclassBlockType{staticGRASS="grass";staticDIRT="dirt";staticSTONE="stone";}//===方块管理器===exportclassBlockManager{constructor(){this.blocks=newMap();this.textureLoader=new...
103 67 minecraft:melon_block 西瓜 104 68 minecraft:pumpkin_stem 南瓜茎 S 105 69 minecraft:melon_stem 西瓜茎 S 106 6A minecraft:vine 藤蔓 S 107 6B minecraft:fence_gate 栅栏门 S 108 6C minecraft:brick_stairs 红砖楼梯 S 109 6D minecraft:stone_brick_stairs 石砖楼梯 S 110...
("DIRT BLOCK >> {}",Blocks.DIRT.getRegistryName());}privatevoiddoClientStuff(final FMLClientSetupEvent event){LOGGER.info("Got game settings {}",event.getMinecraftSupplier().get().gameSettings);}privatevoidenqueueIMC(final InterModEnqueueEvent event){InterModComms.sendTo("examplemod","...
· 方块展示实体(block_display):展示单个方块状态,但不会展示方块实体,即使在一般情况下方块放置时会随即创建方块实体(比如箱子)。 · block_state:要展示的方块状态。格式与末影人手持的物品相同。 · 示例:{Name:"minecraft:dirt"} · 文本展示实体(text_display):展示文本组件(背景使用新的着色器类型 rendertyp...
固体方块(Solid Block)是指所有使用固体材料的方块。这些方块无法被替换,实体也不能自然生成在其内部。 固体方块使得一些方块可以依附在其上,包括: 蛋糕 画 物品展示框 荧光物品展示框 告示牌 旗帜 固体方块会破坏侧面的仙人掌,使下面的耕地和土径退化。
To place a door, use a door item while pointing at the top of the block it should be attached to. A door can be attached to: the top of any full solid opaque block (stone, dirt, blocks of gold, etc.) the top of an upside-down slab or upside-down stairs the top of a slime ...
world.set_block(x, y, z, mc.DIRT) mc.run(world) The API could contain functionality for the following: Easily configurable parameters like gravity, jump velocity, walking speed, etc. Hooks for terrain generation. How to Run pip install pyglet git clone https://github.com/fogleman/Minecraft...