自定义(Customized)是一种世界类型,它用自定的特性取代了世界的普通地形。因为它在18w06a的时候被移除,它被一个新的,易于自定的,但限制更多的自选世界类型取代了。尽管被删除了,Minecraft开发者Erik Broes表示,在1.13之后的未来某个时候,自定义世界类型将会回归,
A Minecraft Java Release Minecraft Java 版正式版 Oh, hello. I didn’t see you there! I was ...
Main Noise Scale X/Y/Z to smooth out terrain, larger values for smoother terrain; Biome scale/depth weight and Biome scale/depth offset to stretch/squash terrain vertically based on the biomes default height settings; Upper/lower limit scale to make terrain more solid/riddled with holes, ...
·#exclusive_set/boots:frost_walker和depth_strider。 ·不能在靴子上共存的魔咒。 ·#exclusive_set/bow:infinity和mending。 ·不能在弓上共存的魔咒。 ·#exclusive_set/crossbow:multishot和piercing。 ·不能在弩上共存的魔咒。 #exclusive_set/damage:sharpness、?smite、?bane_of_arthropods、?impaling、?de...
Lower Limit Scale:As above. Biome Depth Weight:Parameters from 1-20, default 1. Higher values increase the height at which biomes are generated. Biome Depth Offset:Parameters from 0-20, default 0. Higher values increase the surface level of the biome, but not the features of the biome (li...
", "gui.xaero_box_entity_depth" : "根据相对你的Y的高度,在小地图上显示较暗的实体。", "gui.xaero_box_height_limit" : "实体的最大Y垂直距离,超出则不显示在小地图上。", "gui.xaero_toggle_map_waypoints" : "切换小地图路径点&...