服务器规模:(大中小型MOD服,纯净服等,如需hamachi请注明)服务器人数:xx (可流畅进行游戏的最大人数,即服务器TPS大于15)服务器累计时间:(已经开服运营的时间)(务必填写)服务器ip/群:xx服务器介绍:(一句话简单介绍,可粘贴相关宣传链接,如服务器官网,mcbbs贴子,或本服务器贴吧贴子等)以上内容务必如实并按格式...
[11:55:41] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading dimension 1 (DIM1) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@10868d67) [11:55:41] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for level 0 [11:55:42] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 7% [11:55:43] [Server thread/INFO]: Pr...
1) Hamachi 2) Evolve 3) Tunngle If you are renting your own dedicated Virtual Private Server (VPS) you can simply create a new directory on the server and then FTP all the Cauldron files to it. You will not need the run-server.bat file so go ahead and delete that. Instead, you ...
DHCP Server:""Driver:"Hamdrv.sys"Driver Date:"03.30.2015 12:00 ÖÖ"Driver Path:"C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\Hamdrv.sys"Driver Provider:"LogMeIn Inc."Driver Version:""Index:"0010"INF:"oem30.inf"INF Section:"Hamachi.ndi"Install Date:"Not Available"Installed:"Yes"...
Allow players to connect from all around the world, without port-forwarding or virtual network services like Hamachi Send a message to a discord server with the minecraft server IP through a bot. Who is this for? Are you looking to make the next Hypixel or HiveMC? If yes, then this app...
probably not, i dont understand why you would want to, if you want to play with friends just use hamachi Reply 0 0 johns 139 about 3 years ago #127233 I pulled the lever to start the game but it doesn't work Reply 2 0 noob about 3 years ago #125325 We and my friend ...
DHCP Server:""Driver:"Hamdrv.sys"Driver Date:"03.30.2015 12:00 ÖÖ"Driver Path:"C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\Hamdrv.sys"Driver Provider:"LogMeIn Inc."Driver Version:""Index:"0010"INF:"oem30.inf"INF Section:"Hamachi.ndi"Install Date:"Not Available"Installed:"Yes"...
DHCP Server:""Driver:"Hamdrv.sys"Driver Date:"03.30.2015 12:00 ÖÖ"Driver Path:"C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\Hamdrv.sys"Driver Provider:"LogMeIn Inc."Driver Version:""Index:"0010"INF:"oem30.inf"INF Section:"Hamachi.ndi"Install Date:"Not Available"Installed:"Yes"...
DHCP Server:""Driver:"Hamdrv.sys"Driver Date:"03.30.2015 12:00 ÖÖ"Driver Path:"C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\Hamdrv.sys"Driver Provider:"LogMeIn Inc."Driver Version:""Index:"0010"INF:"oem30.inf"INF Section:"Hamachi.ndi"Install Date:"Not Available"Installed:"Yes"...
DHCP Server:""Driver:"Hamdrv.sys"Driver Date:"03.30.2015 12:00 ÖÖ"Driver Path:"C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\Hamdrv.sys"Driver Provider:"LogMeIn Inc."Driver Version:""Index:"0010"INF:"oem30.inf"INF Section:"Hamachi.ndi"Install Date:"Not Available"Installed:"Yes"...