In Minecraft, a Plenty Decorated Pot is a new decoration item that was introduced in Minecraft 1.20. It is a brown pottery item that features a picture of an open Chest on the side of the Decorated Pot.Let's explore how to make a Plenty Decorated Pot....
How to make a Blade Decorated Pot How to make a Brewer Decorated Pot How to make a Burn Decorated Pot How to make a Danger Decorated Pot How to make an Explorer Decorated Pot How to make a Friend Decorated Pot How to make a Heart Decorated Pot How to make a Heartbreak Decorated Pot ...
A new recipe type crafting_decorated_pot has been added for the new Decorated Pot recipe 添加了新的配方类型 crafting_decorated_pot ,用于饰纹陶罐的合成 New registries trim_pattern and trim_material have been added for the armor trim system 添加了注册项 trim_pattern 和trim_material ,用于盔甲纹饰...
Crafting recipe for a decorated pot Whether you want to decorate your Minecraft house or create an archaeological custom map, the pottery sherds are here to help. They provide such a unique way to decorate your surroundings, so if you haven’t already, make sure to give decorated pots a sho...
better than its parents in speed, jump strength, and health. This change is intended to make ...
Desert Temples are clearly the winners when it comes to archaeological loot of Minecraft. Still, even if you want to make a single decorated pot, you have to travel to a bunch of them before getting enough pottery shards. This Minecraft seed tries to fix that bygenerating three Desert Temple...
Acacia Log 金合欢原木 Acacia Planks 金合欢木板 Acacia Pressure Plate 金合欢木压力板 Acacia Sapling 金合欢树苗 Acacia Sign 金合欢木告示牌 Acacia Slab 金合欢木台阶 Acacia Stairs 金合欢木楼梯 Acacia Trapdoor 金合欢木活板门 Acacia Wall Hanging Sign 墙上的悬挂式金合欢木告示牌 ...
-551 decorated_pot -378 deepslate -399 deepslate_brick_double_slab -392 deepslate_brick_slab -393 deepslate_brick_stairs -394 deepslate_brick_wall -391 deepslate_bricks -406 deepslate_coal_ore -408 deepslate_copper_ore -405 deepslate_diamond_ore -407 deepslate_emerald_ore...
Brick items can be used instead of Pottery Sherds in the Decorated Pot recipe The sides that were made from Brick items will not have pictures Smash a Decorated Pot with any block-breaking tool to break it apart and get the Pottery Sherds back Hitting the pot with bare hands, silk touc...
Hanging Signs attached to the bottoms of Decorated Pots now attach with a v-shaped chain to the Pot Increased the volume of sounds emitted by Hanging Signs Crimson, Warped, and Bamboo Hanging Signs now have custom sounds to match their wood type ...