to share death/general messages, worlds out if this list will ONLY see it's own messages....
仅多人游戏:此命令只能在多人游戏服务器中执行。下列命令只能在多人游戏服务器中执行:/ban、/ban-ip、/banlist、/deop、/kick、/list、/op、/pardon、/pardon-ip、/save-all、/save-off、/save-on、/setidletimeout、/stop和/whitelist。 所有多人游戏限定的命令都不允许参数中有目标选择器。 除了/list、/...
Prevents death messages like "[player] fell out the world" from appearing in the chatThe ability to create gamerule variables[4]These are fake gamerules which don*t actually affect your world, but can be used with /stats with the new QueryResults argument to update a scoreboard objective ...
当连接到一个Realm或在相关的屏幕上时,Realm ID现在显示在预览/测试版本的调试文本中 6.The Realms backup list now displays the date that the backup was created, instead of the age of the backup Realms备份列表现在显示创建备份的日期,而不是备份的时间 Sounds 音效类 1.Sculk charge particles now have...
+ Added logAdminCommands, showDeathMessages, reducedDebugInfo, sendCommandFeedback, and randomTickSpeed game rules+ Added three new statistics+ Player skins can now have double layers across the whole model, and left/right arms/legs can be edited independently+ Added a new player model with ...
无村民死亡信息 No Villager Death Messages Mod由作者“MutantGumdrop”所制作。 默认情况下,每次村民死亡会向控制台记录一条消息。 安装这个模组后,当村民死亡时,不再向控制台上记录村民的死亡信息。 如果不会安装Mod,请点击查看我的世界Mod安装教程。 如发现网盘资源被吞,或者网盘资源不存在,请在下方评论中说明,...
showDeathMessages 阻止类似“[玩家]掉出了这个世界”的死亡信息在聊天界面内出现。 reducedDebugInfo 启用或禁用在F3调试屏幕显示简略信息,类似与在视频选项中的选项。 设置为1可以覆盖覆盖客户端中“简化调试信息”设置。 randomTickSpeed [value] 控制随机刻发生的频率 随机刻会影响这些东西:僵尸猪人从传送门中...
Added three new statistics 加入logAdminCommands, showDeathMessages, reducedDebugInfo, sendCommandFeedback, and randomTickSpeed等gamerules附属指令Player skins can now have double layers across the whole model, and left/right arms/legs can be edited independently玩家可以使用新的双层皮肤格式,左右可以不对称...
showDeathMessages: boolean; Type:boolean 重要 This property can't be edited in read-only mode. showRecipeMessages showRecipeMessages: boolean; Type:boolean 重要 This property can't be edited in read-only mode. showTags showTags: boolean; ...
Fixed several death messages (MCPE-30360) "slain by Llama spit" --> "spitballed by Llama" "slain by shulkerBullet" --> "sniped by shulker" "slain by Blaze" --> "fireballed by Blaze" "slain by Ghast" --> "fireballed by Ghast" ...