标签 将方块标签#dead_bush_may_place_on重命名为了#dry_vegetation_may_place_on。 更新了生物群系标签#spawns_cold_variant_farm_animals和spawns_warm_variant_farm_animals。 修复 修复了19个漏洞 1.21前正式版的漏洞 MC-157196 — 已驯服的动物不能加入队伍。 MC-186241 — “极佳!”画质下世界边界面渲染异...
Iron Bars and Glass Panes now can connect to Pistons Dead Bush can now be placed on Grass Blocks and Moss Blocks The map color for Black Terracotta now matches Java Edition
The axe used in the pots will lose durability as it harvests. The item will never be destroyed though. Whenever the axe has 1 durability left, it goes into the hopper where all your loot goes to save the item. Certain farms such as bamboo, dead bush, and cactus don't reduce your too...
Mob Spawner (sides, and bottom), Grindstone (bottom when the Grindstone is hanging), Daylight Sensor (bottom), and Turtle Egg (bottom). Hanging Signs and other blocks can no longer be attached to the side of Dirt Path and Farm Land (MCPE-164632) ...
6:5 48 Dark Oak Sapling ♦ 1 Diamond 6:4 48 Acacia Sapling ♦ 1 Diamond 6 48 Oak Sapling ♦ 1 Diamond 6:2 48 Birch Sapling ♦ 1 Diamond 6:3 10 Jungle Sapling ♦ 1 Diamond 32 30 Dead Bush ♦ 1 Diamond 31:2 8 Fern ♦ 1 Diamond Crops...
SE2418mi necraft:sa ndst one沙石SB2519min ecraft: noteblock音符盒E261Ami necraft:bed床isED271Bminecraft:golden_rail 充能铁轨-281Cminecraft:detector rail 探测铁轨-291Dminecraft:sticky_piston粘性活塞-311Fminecraft:tallgrass草丛 SB301Emin ecraft:web蜘蛛网图标Dec Hex名称方块min ecraft:deadbush枯死...
Hobbit FarmRuined HouseStone Ruin Hobbit House “ Forty leagues it stretched from the Far Downs to the Brandywine Bridge, and fifty from the northern moors to the marshes in the south. The Hobbits named it the Shire [...] and there in that pleasant corner of the world they plied their ...
BUSH It's alive! -An alive decorative plant. -Can grow into a 2-block-tall version of itself, giving more decorative options to players. -Can be sheared, decreasing its growth by one stage. -When sheared at full growth, will drop another Bush item. ...
Bush It's alive! An alive decorative plant. Can grow into a 2-block-tall version of itself, giving more decorative options to players. Can be sheared, decreasing its growth by one stage. When sheared at full growth, will drop another Bush item. Display Lantern A stylish hanging container!
红梅灌木丛 Cranberry Bush 接骨木梅灌木丛 Elderberry Bush 野莓灌木丛 Wildberry Bush 栗木板 Chestnut Wood Planks 猴面包木板 Baobab Wood Planks 雪松木板 Cedar Wood Planks 冷杉木板 Fir Wood Planks 松木板 Pine Wood Planks 柠檬木板 Lemon Wood Planks 橙木板 Orange Wood Planks 酸橙木板 Li...