深色橡木原木 dark_oak_log completes_find_tree_tutorial dark_oak_logs lava_pool_stone_cannot_replace logs logs_that_burn mineable/axe overworld_natural_logs parrots_spawnable_on snaps_goat_horn completes_find_tree_tutorial dark_oak_logs logs logs_that_burn block.minecraft.dark_oak_log 去皮深色...
Dark Oak Sapling 深色橡树树苗 Dark Oak Sign 深色橡木告示牌 Dark Oak Slab 深色橡木台阶 Dark Oak Stairs 深色橡木楼梯 Dark Oak Trapdoor 深色橡木活板门 Dark Oak Wall Hanging Sign 墙上的悬挂式深色橡木告示牌 Dark Oak Wall Sign 墙上的深色橡木告示牌 Dark Oak Wood 深色橡木 Dark Prismarine 暗海晶石 D...
The dark oak tree can be found in the roofed forest biome. They act just like regular logs, but are retextured. Item ID minecraft:dark_oak_log Legacy Item ID (1.12.2 and Below) minecraft:log2 Numerical ID 162:1 Stackable Yes Max Stack Size 64 Recipes Used In Dark Oak Planks, Dark ...
dark oak wood tree farm平均效率:8w5designed by:Sword and T2_Genius 送TA礼物 1楼2015-02-18 20:29回复 Sword 地狱哀歌 11 链接地址:http://yun.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=784233699&uk=2033335953本来打算拖到1.8.2正式版发布再说的。。然后等到过年也没看见正式版的影子。。。QAQ那我就现在发吧...
#completes_find_tree_tutorial:#leaves、#logs和#wart_blocks。 #mangrove_logs:mangrove_log、mangrove_wood、stripped_mangrove_log和stripped_mangrove_wood。 #overworld_natural_logs:acacia_log、birch_log、dark_oak_log、jungle_log、mangrove_log、oak_log和spruce_log。
dark_oak_logs, forge:storage_blocks/steel, ars_nouveau:magic_saplings, quark:ladders, tconstruct:scorched_blocks, forge:planks, minecraft:coral_plants, forge:glass_panes, minecraft:non_flammable_wood, forge:sandstone, ceramics:cistern_connections, forge:storage_blocks/copper, forge:glass_panes/...
A log or stem is a naturally occurring block found in trees or huge fungi, primarily used as a building block, and to create planks, a versatile crafting ingredient. It comes in eleven types: oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia, dark oak, mangrove, cherry
Wood or hyphae is a block that has the log's "bark" texture on all six sides. It comes in eleven types: oak, spruce, birch, jungle, acacia, dark oak, mangrove, cherry, pale oak, crimson, and warped. Stripped wood or stripped hyphae is a variant obtained
【Soy】Dual ..OCD材质作品图镇楼1L鸣谢Sword@教师好剑duoduo@duoduo_123dong给我的帮助2L放空,请勿回复本楼用来发布存档、at人之类的工作开个up楼好了@天空之城TCD 申精 理由:全世界第一个双联/多联的2*2大树树场
Dark 黑暗 Dark Oak Boat with Chest 云杉木运输船 Deep Dark 深暗之域 Disc Fragment 唱片残片 Echo Shard 回响碎片 Frog 青蛙 Frog Spawn 青蛙卵 Jungle Boat with Chest 丛林木运输船 Mangrove Boat 红树木船 Mangrove Boat with Chest 红树木运输船 Mangrove Button 红树...