dye_brown = 可可豆 dye_brown_new = 棕色染料 dye_cyan = 青色染料 dye_gray = 灰色染料 dye_green = 绿色染料 dye_lightBlue = 淡蓝色染料 dye_lime = 黄绿色染料 dye_magenta = 品红色染料 dye_orange = 橙色染料 dye_pink = 粉红色染料 dye_purple = 紫色染料 dye_red = 红色染料 dye_silver =...
Cyan Candle 青色蜡烛 Cyan Dye 青色染料 Danger Pottery Sherd 危机纹样陶片 Dark Oak Boat 深色橡木船 Dark Oak Boat With Chest 深色橡木运输船 Debug Stick 调试棒 Desert Village Map 沙漠村庄地图 Diamond 钻石 Diamond Axe 钻石斧 Diamond Boots 钻石靴子 Diamond Chestplate 钻石胸甲 Diamond Helmet 钻石头盔 Di...
Dropper 投掷器 Dye 染料 Dyed Bed 染色床 Dyed Carpet 染色地毯 Dyed Shulker Box 染色潜影盒 Dyed Terracotta 染色陶瓦 Dyed Wool 染色羊毛 Emerald Ore 绿宝石矿石 Empty Barrel 空木桶 Enchanting Table 附魔台 Enchantment Table 附魔台 End Gateway 末地折跃门 End Portal 末地传送门 End Portal Frame 末地...
405 cyan_dye 229 cyan_glazed_terracotta -621 cyan_shulker_box -681 cyan_stained_glass -651 cyan_stained_glass_pane -732 cyan_terracotta -561 cyan_wool -960 damaged_anvil 37 dandelion 678 danger_pottery_sherd 384 dark_oak_boat -142 dark_oak_button 659 dark_oak_chest_bo...
Cyan Dye(minecraft:dye) 351:7 Light Gray Dye(minecraft:dye) 351:8 Gray Dye(minecraft:dye) 351:9 Pink Dye(minecraft:dye) 351:10 Lime Dye(minecraft:dye) 351:11 Dandelion Yellow(minecraft:dye) 351:12 Light Blue Dye(minecraft:dye) 351:13 Magenta Dye(minecraft:dye) 351:14 Orange Dye(mine...
Cyan Wool Information Wool can be crafted with string, which can be obtained from sheep or spiders. Dyed wool is obtained by placing a dye and a wool block (of any colour) into the same crafting table. Item ID minecraft:cyan_wool Legacy Item ID (1.12.2 and Below) minecraft:wool Numeric...
黄绿色羊毛Lime Wool 羊毛和黄绿色染料Wool & Lime Dye 建筑和装饰材料. 绿色羊毛Green Wool 羊毛和仙人掌绿Wool & Cactus Green 建筑和装饰材料. 淡蓝色羊毛Light Blue Wool 羊毛和淡蓝色染料Wool & Light Blue Dye 建筑和装饰材料. 青色羊毛Cyan Wool 羊毛和青色染料Wool & Cyan Dye 建筑和装饰材料. 蓝色羊毛...
351 Ink Sack(minecraft:dye) 351:1 Rose Red(minecraft:dye) 351:2 Cactus Green(minecraft:dye) 351:3 Coco Beans(minecraft:dye) 351:4 Lapis Lazuli(minecraft:dye) 351:5 Purple Dye(minecraft:dye) 351:6 Cyan Dye(minecraft:dye) 351:7 Light Gray Dye(minecraft:dye) 351:8 Gray Dye(minecraft:...
青色染料Cyan Dye 青金石Lapis Lazuli 蓝色染料Blue Dye 紫色染料Purple Dye 品红色染料Magenta Dye 棕色染料Brown Dye ) 骨头Bone 红砖Brick 海晶砂粒Prismarine Crystals 海晶碎片Prismarine Shard 海洋之心Heart of the Sea 火药Gunpowder 鸡蛋Egg 金锭Gold Ingot- ...
405 cyan_dye 229 cyan_glazed_terracotta -621 cyan_shulker_box -681 cyan_stained_glass -651 cyan_stained_glass_pane -732 cyan_terracotta -561 cyan_wool -960 damaged_anvil 37 dandelion 678 danger_pottery_sherd 384 dark_oak_boat -142 dark_oak_button 659 dark_oak_chest_bo...