Discover Add-Ons Add-Ons let you add new blocks, mobs, items, recipes, and other content to both your existing worlds and new ones.Learn More New New New New New SECURITY++ Add-On ECKOSOLDIER:"The BEST Security Addon" Watch Review Video...
Fix potential crash when returning to the Overworld from the Nether or The End 修复了由下界或末...
Custom items with 'minecraft:record' now show the correct sound description in hover text and on playing in a Jukebox 使用minecraft:record 的自定义物品现在在悬浮提示中和在唱片机播放时会显示正确的声音描述 Custom items with 'minecraft:durability' and 'minecraft:repairable' can be combined to repair...
epic building blocks, materials, and more. There are even custom structures with specific perils lurking inside. However, the balance has been achieved with the new tools, items, and equipment. If the cavernous dimension is your favorite, you can make it even better with the Better Nether mod...
Fixed an issue that could occur when travelling through a nether portal to the overworld (MCPE-158167) 修复了一个穿过下界传送门返回主世界时可能出现的问题 (MCPE-158167) VRVR The ‘Toggle Perspective’ hint now shows the player's assignment instead of the default assignment ...
Focused on expanding the vanilla Minecraft experience, Better MC brings in biome superstars like Oh The Biomes You'll Go and combines them with dimension altering mods like BetterNether and BetterEnd to really step up the world. If you've ever sort of wondered what a hypothetical or alternate...
Borgy's Mobs is an addon that simply adds a variety of creatures to your world, all of which have a variety of abilities and uses that make them interesting and unique. Before downloading, please turn on Vanilla Experiments, Holiday Creator Featues, Custom biomes, Additional Modding Capabilities...
Fixed issues with mobs disappearing after going through Nether portals (MCPE-155678) 修复了生物穿过下界传送门后消失的问题 (MCPE-155678) Fixed a bug causing tamed mobs to disappear when they go through a Nether portal in a multiplayer world (MCPE-88322) ...
Fire Protection:With all of the fire mobs and lava in the Nether, you'll need to protect yourself from their flames. When enchanting your armor, enchant at least two of the pieces with Fire Protection instead of one of the other variations. As mentioned previously, it will reduce all fire...
NetherPortalFix (by BlayTheNinth) NotEnoughIDs (by fewizz_) NuclearCraft (by tomdodd4598) Numina (by machinemuse) OldJavaWarning (by DarkhaxDev) OMLib (by Keridos) Open Modular Turrets (by Keridos) OpenBlocks (by OpenMods) OpenComputers (by Sangar_) ...